参考資料3 WHO Statement on the antigen composition of COVID-19 vaccines (2 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/shingi2/newpage_00104.html |
出典情報 | 厚生科学審議会 予防接種・ワクチン分科会 研究開発及び生産・流通部会 季節性インフルエンザワクチンの製造株について検討する小委員会(第2回 5/29)《厚生労働省》 |
the TAG-CO-VAC is based on the need for continued monitoring of the evolution of
SARS-CoV-2 and the kinetics and protection of vaccine-derived immunity.
In May 2023, the TAG-CO-VAC recommended the use of a monovalent XBB.1
descendent lineage, such as XBB.1.5, as the vaccine antigen. In December 2023, the
TAG-CO-VAC advised retaining the use of a monovalent XBB.1 descendent lineage,
such as XBB.1.5, as the vaccine antigen. Several manufacturers (usindg mRNA, protein-
based and viral vector vaccine platforms) have developed COVID-19 vaccines with a
monovalent XBB.1.5 formulation which have been approved for use by regulatory
authorities and introduced into COVID-19 vaccination Drograrmmes in some CountrieS.
Previous statements from the TAG-CO-VAC can be found on the WHO website.
The TAG-CO-VAC reconvened on 15-16 April 2024 to review the genetic and antigenic
evolution of SARS-CoV-2: immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or COVID-19
vaccination: the performance of currently apDDroved vaccines against circulating SARS-
CoV-2 variants: and the implications for COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition.
EVIOenCe reVIeWed
The published and unpublished evidence reviewed by the TAG-CO-VAC included: (1)
SARS-CoV-2 genetic evolution with support from the WHO Technical Advisory GrouDp
on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution (TAG-VE): (2) Antigenic characterization of previous and
emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants usind virus neutralization tests with animal antisera or
human sera and further analysis of antigenic relationships using antigenic
cartography: (3) Immunogenicity data on the breadth of neutralizing antibody
reSDOnSeS elicited Dy currently apDDroved vaccine antigens against circulating SARS-
CoV-2 variants usindg animal and human sera, including modelling data: (4) Vaccine
effectiveness estimates (VE) of currently approved vaccines during Deriods of
circulation of XBB.1 and」N.1 Iineages: (5) Preliminary immunogenicity data on
immune responses following infection with circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants: and (6)
Prelirminary preclinical and clinical immunogenicity data on the performance of
candidate vaccines with updated antigens shared confidentially by vaccine
manufacturers with TAG-CO-VAC. Further details on the publicly available data
reviewed by the TAG-CO-VAC can be found in the accompanying data annex.
Unpublished and/or confidential data reviewed by the TAG-CO-VAC are not shown.
Summary of available evidence
SARS-CoV-2 and the kinetics and protection of vaccine-derived immunity.
In May 2023, the TAG-CO-VAC recommended the use of a monovalent XBB.1
descendent lineage, such as XBB.1.5, as the vaccine antigen. In December 2023, the
TAG-CO-VAC advised retaining the use of a monovalent XBB.1 descendent lineage,
such as XBB.1.5, as the vaccine antigen. Several manufacturers (usindg mRNA, protein-
based and viral vector vaccine platforms) have developed COVID-19 vaccines with a
monovalent XBB.1.5 formulation which have been approved for use by regulatory
authorities and introduced into COVID-19 vaccination Drograrmmes in some CountrieS.
Previous statements from the TAG-CO-VAC can be found on the WHO website.
The TAG-CO-VAC reconvened on 15-16 April 2024 to review the genetic and antigenic
evolution of SARS-CoV-2: immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or COVID-19
vaccination: the performance of currently apDDroved vaccines against circulating SARS-
CoV-2 variants: and the implications for COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition.
EVIOenCe reVIeWed
The published and unpublished evidence reviewed by the TAG-CO-VAC included: (1)
SARS-CoV-2 genetic evolution with support from the WHO Technical Advisory GrouDp
on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution (TAG-VE): (2) Antigenic characterization of previous and
emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants usind virus neutralization tests with animal antisera or
human sera and further analysis of antigenic relationships using antigenic
cartography: (3) Immunogenicity data on the breadth of neutralizing antibody
reSDOnSeS elicited Dy currently apDDroved vaccine antigens against circulating SARS-
CoV-2 variants usindg animal and human sera, including modelling data: (4) Vaccine
effectiveness estimates (VE) of currently approved vaccines during Deriods of
circulation of XBB.1 and」N.1 Iineages: (5) Preliminary immunogenicity data on
immune responses following infection with circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants: and (6)
Prelirminary preclinical and clinical immunogenicity data on the performance of
candidate vaccines with updated antigens shared confidentially by vaccine
manufacturers with TAG-CO-VAC. Further details on the publicly available data
reviewed by the TAG-CO-VAC can be found in the accompanying data annex.
Unpublished and/or confidential data reviewed by the TAG-CO-VAC are not shown.
Summary of available evidence