
MC plus(エムシープラス)は、診療報酬・介護報酬改定関連のニュース、


Summary of the Global Haelth Vision of MHLW (1 ページ)

公開元URL https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_42939.html
出典情報 「厚生労働省国際保健ビジョン」の公表について(8/26)《厚生労働省》


Global Health Vision
of MHLW of Japan (Summary)
The Purpose of the “Global Health Vision”
1. Realization of the mission of the Ministry of Health, Labour and
Welfare (MHLW)
◼ At a time when domestic and international issues are closely
interrelated, the promotion of global health is of great significance
from the perspective of public health, diplomacy, economy, and
security, as well as stability of the international community,
leading to protecting the people and contributing greatly to
national and global interests.
2. Contributing Japan’s insight to the International Community
◼ The Japan’s knowledge and experiences in health systems and
health financing can be utilized and shared with the international
community, which in turn can be returned to Japan for the solution
to future issues.

The Basic Policy
 Establishing the positive cycle in better health and welfare that links
Japan and international community by;
◼ Contributing Japan’s rich knowledge and experience in health and
welfare to international community.
◼ Utilizing the insights and knowledge gained from international
cooperation and exchange to international community

Specific Initiatives
Establishment of the ”UHC Knowledge Hub”
International Strategy for Strengthening Drug Discovery
 Strengthen collaboration between the Japan Institute for Health
Security (JIHS) and the ASEAN Centre for Public Health
Emergencies and Emerging Diseases (ACPHEED)

Building an Indo-Pacific Health Strategy
Development of "Ecosystem for Development of
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
ii. Circular Elderly Health Strategy: Foreign Care Worker Policy
and Support for International Expansion of Care Providers
iii. International development of medical care including training of
foreign medical personnel and medical inbound