
MC plus(エムシープラス)は、診療報酬・介護報酬改定関連のニュース、


参考資料4_Action plan for whole genome analysis 2022 (21 ページ)

公開元URL https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_36695.html
出典情報 厚生科学審議会 科学技術部会全ゲノム解析等の推進に関する専門委員会(第19回 12/4)《厚生労働省》


aspects of specific operational methods relating to return of results to patients,
the Analysis and Data Center, ELSI, etc. and will draft basic policy that will be
submitted to the Expert Committee for discussion. In addition, if the Expert
Committee requires technical advice on whole genome analysis, the MHLW
science research group will submit its opinions to the Expert Committee.
In April 2022, new Project Implementation Preparation Office working
groups were set up within the Science Research Group to examine
organizational design and recruitment for the launch of the Project
Implementation Preparation Office during FY2022, and to ensure that systems
are in place for the launch of the office. The Project Implementation
Preparation Office will develop a specific system for the launch of the Project
Implementation Organization.
Following the launch of the Project Implementation Organization, the
working groups within the MHLW science research group will cooperate as
necessary for smooth transition to the advisory committee within the Project
Implementation Organization.
(c) AMED research groups
The AMED research groups of Whole Genome Analysis will report on the
status of analysis to the Expert Committee and will carry out research in line
with the policy of the Expert Committee under appropriate progress
management by AMED. Following the launch of the Project Implementation
Organization, the return-to-patients group (system improvement group) will
become a medical institution that returns results of the whole genome analysis
to patients, and the return-to-patients group (field-specific group) and the
analysis group will cooperate as necessary for smooth transition into the
Academic Consortium and the Analysis and Data Center, respectively.
Figure 5. MHLW implementation system for whole genome analysis (before launch
of the Project Implementation Organization)