
MC plus(エムシープラス)は、診療報酬・介護報酬改定関連のニュース、


参考資料4_Action plan for whole genome analysis 2022 (31 ページ)

公開元URL https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_36695.html
出典情報 厚生科学審議会 科学技術部会全ゲノム解析等の推進に関する専門委員会(第19回 12/4)《厚生労働省》


(f) Project Implementation Organization
The Project Implementation Organization must be a highly autonomous
organization with strong governance and full transparency and accountability.
To ensure this, the Project Implementation Organization will have public status,
and systems will be put in place for board members comprising a broad range
of personnel recruited from industry and academe to be able to make flexible
and prompt operational decisions based on the latest knowledge.
The Project Implementation Preparation Office will be set up within the
Japan Health Research Promotion Bureau (JH) during FY2022 and will
examine the organization and its structure. With the MHLW taking a leading
role, the most suitable organizational form for the Project Implementation
Organization will be decided by around FY2023, for launch of the organization
in FY2025.
The draft arrangement of divisions and functions of the Project Implementation
Organization are as follows.
1) Establishment of board members, including the director, mainly
comprising outside experts
2) Establishment of various advisory committees that provide expert advice
to the board members:
• Advisory committee on return of results to patients
• Advisory committee on genome analysis
• Advisory committee on ELSI
• Advisory committee on patient and public involvement, etc.
3) Establishment of divisions necessary for project implementation
(organizational operation divisions, project divisions) after examination by
the Project Implementation Preparation Office
Examples of organizational operation divisions:
• General Affairs Division
• Finance Division
• ELSI Division
• Patient and Public Involvement Division, etc.
Examples of project divisions:
• Project Administration Division (management of sequencing, samples,
Analysis and Data Center, etc.)
• Scientific Research Support Division (support for research, academe,
• Commercial Affairs Division (support for industry, etc.), Utilization
Promotion Division, etc.