06参考資料1-1_5種混合ワクチンについて(第20回ワクチン評価に関する小委員会 資料1-1) (38 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_36952.html |
出典情報 | 厚生科学審議会 予防接種・ワクチン分科会 予防接種基本方針部会(第58回 12/20)《厚生労働省》 |
人患者を対象とした百日咳保菌率調査(研究代表者 岡部信彦、研究分担者 蒲地一
成). 2009.
29. 岡田賢司、蒲地一成、野上裕子、師岡津代子. 成人持続咳嗽(2 週間以上)患者に
おける LAMP 法による百日咳菌抗原遺伝子陽性率と臨床像. 病原微生物検出情報
IASR. 2008. 29:73-7.
30. Kilgore PE, Salim AM, Zervos MJ, Schmitt HJ. Pertussis: Microbiology, Disease,
Treatment, and Prevention. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2016. 29: 449-86.
31. 岡田賢司、野上裕子、師岡津代子、堀川和美. 成人の百日咳:乳幼児との違い. 病
原微生物検出情報 IASR. 2005. 26:66-7.
32. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Chapter 16: Pertussis. The Pink Book: Course
Textbook - 13th Edition (2015). http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/pert.html.
33. Janda WM, Santos E, Stevens J, Celig D, Terrile L, Schreckenberger PC. Unexpected
isolation of Bordetella pertussis from a blood culture. J Clin Microbiol. 1994. 32:2851-3.
34. Troseid M, Jonassen TO, Steinbakk M. Isolation of Bordetella pertussis in blood culture
from a patient with multiple myeloma. J Infect. 2006. 52:e11-3.
35. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Fatal case of unsuspected pertussis diagnosed
from a blood culture--Minnesota, 2003. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2004. 53:131-2.
36. de Greeff SC, Mooi FR, Westerhof A, Verbakel JM, Peeters MF, Heuvelman
CJ, Notermans DW, Elvers LH, Schellekens JF, de Melker HE. Pertussis disease burden in
the household: how to protect young infants. Clin Infect Dis. 2010. 50:1339-45.
37. Raymond J, Armengaud JB, Cosnes-Lambe C, Chalumeau M, Bosdure E, Reglier-Poupet
H, El Hajje MJ, Iniguez JL, Moulin F, Poyart C, Gendrel D. Pertussis in young infants:
apnoea and intra-familial infection. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2007. 13:172-5.
38. He Q, Arvilommi H, Viljanen MK, Mertsola J. Outcomes of Bordetella infections in
vaccinated children: effects of bacterial number in the nasopharynx and patient age. Clin
Diagn Lab Immunol. 1999. 6:534-6.
39. Geertsen R, Kaeppeli F, Sterk-Kuzmanovic N, Andrasevic S, Anic-Milic T, Dobec M. A
multiplex PCR assay for the detection of respiratory bacteriae in nasopharyngeal smears
from children with acute respiratory disease. Scand J Infect Dis. 2007. 39:769-74.
40. Hagiwara K, Ouchi K, Tashiro N, Azuma M, Kobayashi K. An epidemic of a pertussis-like
illness caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1999. 18:271-5.
41. 平成 26 年度厚生労働科学研究費補助金
百日咳病原体サーベイランスの精度向上に関する研究(研究代表者 松井珠乃、研
究分担者 蒲地一成). 2016.
42. Dragsted DM, Dohn B, Madsen J, Jensen JS. Comparison of culture and PCR for detection
成). 2009.
29. 岡田賢司、蒲地一成、野上裕子、師岡津代子. 成人持続咳嗽(2 週間以上)患者に
おける LAMP 法による百日咳菌抗原遺伝子陽性率と臨床像. 病原微生物検出情報
IASR. 2008. 29:73-7.
30. Kilgore PE, Salim AM, Zervos MJ, Schmitt HJ. Pertussis: Microbiology, Disease,
Treatment, and Prevention. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2016. 29: 449-86.
31. 岡田賢司、野上裕子、師岡津代子、堀川和美. 成人の百日咳:乳幼児との違い. 病
原微生物検出情報 IASR. 2005. 26:66-7.
32. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Chapter 16: Pertussis. The Pink Book: Course
Textbook - 13th Edition (2015). http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/pert.html.
33. Janda WM, Santos E, Stevens J, Celig D, Terrile L, Schreckenberger PC. Unexpected
isolation of Bordetella pertussis from a blood culture. J Clin Microbiol. 1994. 32:2851-3.
34. Troseid M, Jonassen TO, Steinbakk M. Isolation of Bordetella pertussis in blood culture
from a patient with multiple myeloma. J Infect. 2006. 52:e11-3.
35. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Fatal case of unsuspected pertussis diagnosed
from a blood culture--Minnesota, 2003. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2004. 53:131-2.
36. de Greeff SC, Mooi FR, Westerhof A, Verbakel JM, Peeters MF, Heuvelman
CJ, Notermans DW, Elvers LH, Schellekens JF, de Melker HE. Pertussis disease burden in
the household: how to protect young infants. Clin Infect Dis. 2010. 50:1339-45.
37. Raymond J, Armengaud JB, Cosnes-Lambe C, Chalumeau M, Bosdure E, Reglier-Poupet
H, El Hajje MJ, Iniguez JL, Moulin F, Poyart C, Gendrel D. Pertussis in young infants:
apnoea and intra-familial infection. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2007. 13:172-5.
38. He Q, Arvilommi H, Viljanen MK, Mertsola J. Outcomes of Bordetella infections in
vaccinated children: effects of bacterial number in the nasopharynx and patient age. Clin
Diagn Lab Immunol. 1999. 6:534-6.
39. Geertsen R, Kaeppeli F, Sterk-Kuzmanovic N, Andrasevic S, Anic-Milic T, Dobec M. A
multiplex PCR assay for the detection of respiratory bacteriae in nasopharyngeal smears
from children with acute respiratory disease. Scand J Infect Dis. 2007. 39:769-74.
40. Hagiwara K, Ouchi K, Tashiro N, Azuma M, Kobayashi K. An epidemic of a pertussis-like
illness caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1999. 18:271-5.
41. 平成 26 年度厚生労働科学研究費補助金
百日咳病原体サーベイランスの精度向上に関する研究(研究代表者 松井珠乃、研
究分担者 蒲地一成). 2016.
42. Dragsted DM, Dohn B, Madsen J, Jensen JS. Comparison of culture and PCR for detection