06参考資料1-1_5種混合ワクチンについて(第20回ワクチン評価に関する小委員会 資料1-1) (39 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_36952.html |
出典情報 | 厚生科学審議会 予防接種・ワクチン分科会 予防接種基本方針部会(第58回 12/20)《厚生労働省》 |
of Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis under routine laboratory conditions. J
Med Microbiol. 2004. 53:749-54.
43. Fry NK, Duncan J, Wagner K, Tzivra O, Doshi N, Litt DJ, Crowcroft N, Miller E, George
RC, Harrison TG. Role of PCR in the diagnosis of pertussis infection in infants: 5 years'
experience of provision of a same-day real-time PCR service in England and Wales from
2002 to 2007. J Med Microbiol. 2009. 58:1023-9.
44. Kamachi K, Toyoizumi-Ajisaka H, Toda K, Soeung SC, Sarath S, Nareth Y, Horiuchi
Y, Kojima K, Takahashi M, Arakawa Y. Development and evaluation of a loop-mediated
isothermal amplification method for rapid diagnosis of Bordetella pertussis infection. J
Clin Microbiol. 2006. 44:1899-902.
45. Fujino M, Suzuki E, Watanabe M, Nakayama T. Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification
(LAMP) Aids the Clinical Diagnosis of Pertussis. Jpn J Infect Dis. 2015. 68:532-3.
46. 岡 藤 輝 夫 , 黒 木 春 郎 , 西 村 直 子 , 野 上 裕 子 , 藤 野 元 子 , 宮 田 章 子 , 中 山 哲 夫 .
Loopamp 百日咳菌検出試薬キット D の臨床的評価. 診療と新薬. 2015. 52:1133-40.
47. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Diagnosis
48. Bidet P, Liguori S, De Lauzanne A, Caro V, Lorrot M, Carol A, Faye A, Guiso N, Bingen
E, Bonacorsi S. Real-time PCR measurement of persistence of Bordetella pertussis DNA in
nasopharyngeal secretions during antibiotic treatment of young children with pertussis. J
Clin Microbiol. 2008. 46:3636-8.
49. Otsuka N, Yoshino S, Kawano K, Toyoizumi-Ajisaka H, Shibayama K, Kamachi K. Simple
and specific detection of Bordetella holmesii by using a loop-mediated isothermal
amplification assay. Microbiol Immunol. 2012. 56:486-9.
50. Yang Y, Yao K, Ma X, Shi W, Yuan L, Yang Y. Variation in Bordetella pertussis
Susceptibility to Erythromycin and Virulence-Related Genotype Changes in China
(1970-2014). PLoS One. 2015. 10:e0138941.
51. Wang Z, Cui Z, Li Y, Hou T, Liu X, Xi Y, Liu Y, Li H, He Q. High prevalence of
erythromycin-resistant Bordetella pertussis in Xi'an, China. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014.
52. 平成 27 年度厚生労働科学研究費補助金
:百日咳レファレンスセンター(研究代表者 宮崎義継、研究分担者
蒲地一成). 2016.
53. Ohtsuka M, Kikuchi K, Shimizu K, Takahashi N, Ono Y, Sasaki T, Hiramatsu K.
Emergence of quinolone-resistant Bordetella pertussis in Japan. Antimicrob Agents
Med Microbiol. 2004. 53:749-54.
43. Fry NK, Duncan J, Wagner K, Tzivra O, Doshi N, Litt DJ, Crowcroft N, Miller E, George
RC, Harrison TG. Role of PCR in the diagnosis of pertussis infection in infants: 5 years'
experience of provision of a same-day real-time PCR service in England and Wales from
2002 to 2007. J Med Microbiol. 2009. 58:1023-9.
44. Kamachi K, Toyoizumi-Ajisaka H, Toda K, Soeung SC, Sarath S, Nareth Y, Horiuchi
Y, Kojima K, Takahashi M, Arakawa Y. Development and evaluation of a loop-mediated
isothermal amplification method for rapid diagnosis of Bordetella pertussis infection. J
Clin Microbiol. 2006. 44:1899-902.
45. Fujino M, Suzuki E, Watanabe M, Nakayama T. Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification
(LAMP) Aids the Clinical Diagnosis of Pertussis. Jpn J Infect Dis. 2015. 68:532-3.
46. 岡 藤 輝 夫 , 黒 木 春 郎 , 西 村 直 子 , 野 上 裕 子 , 藤 野 元 子 , 宮 田 章 子 , 中 山 哲 夫 .
Loopamp 百日咳菌検出試薬キット D の臨床的評価. 診療と新薬. 2015. 52:1133-40.
47. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Diagnosis
48. Bidet P, Liguori S, De Lauzanne A, Caro V, Lorrot M, Carol A, Faye A, Guiso N, Bingen
E, Bonacorsi S. Real-time PCR measurement of persistence of Bordetella pertussis DNA in
nasopharyngeal secretions during antibiotic treatment of young children with pertussis. J
Clin Microbiol. 2008. 46:3636-8.
49. Otsuka N, Yoshino S, Kawano K, Toyoizumi-Ajisaka H, Shibayama K, Kamachi K. Simple
and specific detection of Bordetella holmesii by using a loop-mediated isothermal
amplification assay. Microbiol Immunol. 2012. 56:486-9.
50. Yang Y, Yao K, Ma X, Shi W, Yuan L, Yang Y. Variation in Bordetella pertussis
Susceptibility to Erythromycin and Virulence-Related Genotype Changes in China
(1970-2014). PLoS One. 2015. 10:e0138941.
51. Wang Z, Cui Z, Li Y, Hou T, Liu X, Xi Y, Liu Y, Li H, He Q. High prevalence of
erythromycin-resistant Bordetella pertussis in Xi'an, China. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014.
52. 平成 27 年度厚生労働科学研究費補助金
:百日咳レファレンスセンター(研究代表者 宮崎義継、研究分担者
蒲地一成). 2016.
53. Ohtsuka M, Kikuchi K, Shimizu K, Takahashi N, Ono Y, Sasaki T, Hiramatsu K.
Emergence of quinolone-resistant Bordetella pertussis in Japan. Antimicrob Agents