資料3-4 研究報告の報告状況[859KB] (5 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_44308.html |
出典情報 | 薬事審議会 医薬品等安全対策部会(令和6年度第2回 10/24)《厚生労働省》 |
NO 一般名
43 ケトプロフェン
44 ラベプラゾールナトリウム
45 乾燥BCGワクチン
46 プレガバリン
Szilcz M, Wastesson J W, Calderon-Larranaga A, et al.
Cholinesterase inhibitors and non-steroidal
antiinflammatory drugs and the risk of peptic ulcers: A
self-controlled study. Journal of the American Geriatrics
Society. 2024;72(2):456-466.
Huang, H. et al. Long-term use of proton pump
inhibitors is associated with an increased risk of
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J. Clin. Gastroenterol.
2024; 58(3): 289-296.
宮入 烈. 免疫抑制薬等を使用中の患者に対する予防
接種. 臨床とウイルス2024;52(1):22-25
Rahman, A.A. et al. Gabapentinoids and risk for severe
exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease :
A population-based cohort study. Ann. Intern. Med.
47 メトトレキサート
Prajjwol Luitel, et al.Maternal exposure to folate
antagonists and susceptibility to congenital heart
disease in offspring:A systematic review and meta metaanalysis.Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 2024;90(4):933-941.
48 レベチラセタム
Abou Kaoud, M. et al. (Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,
Israel). Ischemic and non-ischemic stroke reported in
DOAC treated patients with atrial fibrillation and
levetiracetam drug interaction: a real-world study.
Europ. Heart J. 2023; 44(Suppl.2): ehad655.2842-.
49 ウルソデオキシコール酸
Hamud, Amir; Cohen, Matan J.; Hochner-Celnikier,
Drorith; Bar-Oz, Benjamin; Ackerman, Zvi.Gradual
dosing of ursodeoxycholic acid in mothers with
intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy may improve
composite neonatal outcome.Annals of
Tian,L. et al. Regular use of paracetamol and risk of
liver cancer: a prospective cohort study.
51 シルデナフィルクエン酸塩
DE Nunzio, Cosimo; Nacchia, Antonio; Grimaldi, Maria
C; Turchi, Beatrice; Rovesti, Lorenzo; Franco, Antonio;
Guarnotta, Giorgio; Voglino, Olivia; Mancini, Elisa;
Baldassarri, Valeria; Lombardo, Riccardo; Cicione,
Antonio; Tubaro, Andrea. Major adverse cardiovascular
events related to phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors:
analysis of real-life data from Eudra-Vigilance database.
Minerva urology and nephrology. 2024.
52 バソプレシン
Song, X.. The order of vasopressor discontinuation and
incidence of hypotension: a retrospective cohort
analysis. Scientific Reports. 2024;11(1):16680
53 アセチルシステイン
Godfrey H, et al..Medication Associations With Severe
Cutaneous Adverse Reactions: A Case/Non-Case
Analysis Using the FDA Adverse Event Reporting
System..Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery
NO 一般名
43 ケトプロフェン
44 ラベプラゾールナトリウム
45 乾燥BCGワクチン
46 プレガバリン
Szilcz M, Wastesson J W, Calderon-Larranaga A, et al.
Cholinesterase inhibitors and non-steroidal
antiinflammatory drugs and the risk of peptic ulcers: A
self-controlled study. Journal of the American Geriatrics
Society. 2024;72(2):456-466.
Huang, H. et al. Long-term use of proton pump
inhibitors is associated with an increased risk of
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J. Clin. Gastroenterol.
2024; 58(3): 289-296.
宮入 烈. 免疫抑制薬等を使用中の患者に対する予防
接種. 臨床とウイルス2024;52(1):22-25
Rahman, A.A. et al. Gabapentinoids and risk for severe
exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease :
A population-based cohort study. Ann. Intern. Med.
47 メトトレキサート
Prajjwol Luitel, et al.Maternal exposure to folate
antagonists and susceptibility to congenital heart
disease in offspring:A systematic review and meta metaanalysis.Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 2024;90(4):933-941.
48 レベチラセタム
Abou Kaoud, M. et al. (Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,
Israel). Ischemic and non-ischemic stroke reported in
DOAC treated patients with atrial fibrillation and
levetiracetam drug interaction: a real-world study.
Europ. Heart J. 2023; 44(Suppl.2): ehad655.2842-.
49 ウルソデオキシコール酸
Hamud, Amir; Cohen, Matan J.; Hochner-Celnikier,
Drorith; Bar-Oz, Benjamin; Ackerman, Zvi.Gradual
dosing of ursodeoxycholic acid in mothers with
intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy may improve
composite neonatal outcome.Annals of
Tian,L. et al. Regular use of paracetamol and risk of
liver cancer: a prospective cohort study.
51 シルデナフィルクエン酸塩
DE Nunzio, Cosimo; Nacchia, Antonio; Grimaldi, Maria
C; Turchi, Beatrice; Rovesti, Lorenzo; Franco, Antonio;
Guarnotta, Giorgio; Voglino, Olivia; Mancini, Elisa;
Baldassarri, Valeria; Lombardo, Riccardo; Cicione,
Antonio; Tubaro, Andrea. Major adverse cardiovascular
events related to phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors:
analysis of real-life data from Eudra-Vigilance database.
Minerva urology and nephrology. 2024.
52 バソプレシン
Song, X.. The order of vasopressor discontinuation and
incidence of hypotension: a retrospective cohort
analysis. Scientific Reports. 2024;11(1):16680
53 アセチルシステイン
Godfrey H, et al..Medication Associations With Severe
Cutaneous Adverse Reactions: A Case/Non-Case
Analysis Using the FDA Adverse Event Reporting
System..Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery