
MC plus(エムシープラス)は、診療報酬・介護報酬改定関連のニュース、


資料5障害者権利条約の対日審査結果について (14 ページ)

公開元URL https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/shingi2/0000195428_00060.html
出典情報 社会保障審議会 障害者部会(第133回 10/17)《厚生労働省》



Lack of alternative and augmentative modes and methods of communication
and information in regular schools, including sign language education for deaf children, and
inclusive education for deafblind children;
Lack of national comprehensive policy, addressing barriers for students with
disabilities at higher education, including university entrance exams and the study process.
Recalling its general comment No. 4 (2016) on the right to inclusive education
and the Sustainable Development Goal 4, target 4.5 and indicator 4 (a), the Committee
urges that the State party:
Recognize the right of children with disabilities to inclusive education
within its national policy on education, legislation and administrative arrangement with
the aim to cease segregated special education, and adopt a national action plan on
quality inclusive education, with specific targets, time frames and sufficient budget, to
ensure that all students with disabilities are provided with reasonable accommodation
and the individualized support they need at all levels of education;
Ensure accessibility to regular schools for all children with disabilities,
and put in place a "non-rejection" clause and policy to ensure that regular schools are
not allowed to deny regular school for students with disabilities, and withdraw the
ministerial notification related to special classes;
Guarantee reasonable accommodations for all children with disabilities
for meeting their individual educational requirements and ensuring inclusive
Ensure training of regular education teachers and non-teaching education
personnel on inclusive education and raise their awareness on the human right model
of disability;
Guarantee the use of augmentative and alternative modes and methods of
communication in regular settings of education, including Braille, Easy Read, sign
language education for deaf children, promote the deaf culture in inclusive educational
environments, and access to inclusive education for deafblind children;
Develop a national comprehensive policy, addressing barriers for students
with disabilities at higher education, including university entrance exams and the study
Health (art. 25)

The Committee notes with concern the:

Barriers faced by persons with disabilities, particularly women and girls with
disabilities, persons with psychosocial or intellectual disabilities, in accessing health-care
services, including inaccessible health-care facilities and information, lack of reasonable
accommodation, and prejudices about persons with disabilities across professionals in the
health sector;
Segregation of psychiatric care from general medical care, as provided by the
Mental Health and Welfare Act for the Mentally Disabled, and the lack of sufficient
community-based, health services and support;
Limited measures to ensure access, on an equal basis with others, to quality,
age-appropriate sexual and reproductive health services and sex education for all persons
with disabilities, particularly women and girls with disabilities;
Insufficient medical expense subsidies for persons with disabilities, including
those with more intensive support.
Taking into account the links between article 25 of the Convention and targets
3.7 and 3.8 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee recommends that the
State party: