
MC plus(エムシープラス)は、診療報酬・介護報酬改定関連のニュース、


参考資料4_Action plan for whole genome analysis 2022 (49 ページ)

公開元URL https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_33324.html
出典情報 厚生科学審議会 科学技術部会全ゲノム解析等の推進に関する専門委員会(第15回 5/25)《厚生労働省》


After the data are registered in public databases, users who wish to conduct
research using detailed clinical information will still be required to participate
in the Industry Consortium or the Academic Consortium. Public database
users may possess intellectual property. There is no time limit for
publication of research results based only on the use of public databases.
o Industry Consortium
• Medical institutions, research institutions, and companies (regardless of the
size of the company and whether it belongs to the medical industry or not)
may participate in the Industry Consortium.
• The data can be used for overviews or simple analysis for the purpose of
• A license for use granted by the Data Utilization Review Committee is
needed for detailed analysis.
• Free application for and possession of intellectual property are permitted.
No notification to the consortium is required for application.
• The results can be published, but with a fixed restricted period (24–30
months)11 before publication will be set.
• The Consortium is to be notified of publication of results, regardless of the
timing of data transfer to public databases.
o Academic Consortium
• The Consortium will consist of institutions that acquire data (medical
institutions), data analysts, and institutions (including companies) that
conduct joint research with them.
• The data can be used for overviews12 or simple analysis13 for the purpose
of planning.
• Institutions that acquire data (medical institutions) are free to conduct
analyses of the data they have collected.
• Institutions wishing to conduct detailed analyses of data other than their
own data will need to have an agreement with the institution that collected
the data and will need to notify the Data Utilization Review Committee in
• Free application for and possession of intellectual property are permitted.
• The Consortium is to be notified of publication of the results in a paper or
application for intellectual property, regardless of the timing of data transfer
to public databases.
(c) Data sharing system
As a base for research and drug discovery for conducting data analysis, provision,
and storage, the Analysis and Data Center will create a data sharing system that

This is the period calculated from the starting point of each cancer type (except cases in which
the content of the application is published after a fixed period of time has elapsed under the
application publication system). The restriction period may be shortened to less than 24 months if
the data acquirer or analyzer judges that there is little need to keep the results unpublished due to
the publication of a paper, etc. The period of limitation for rare/intractable diseases will be
determined separately.
12 Overview of the status of accumulation of data for each cancer type.
13 Simple analysis: Conducting data analysis necessary for the planning of detailed analysis, such
as the identification of the number of cases of pathogenic variants, etc.