
MC plus(エムシープラス)は、診療報酬・介護報酬改定関連のニュース、


Global Health Vision of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (11 ページ)

公開元URL https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_42939.html
出典情報 「厚生労働省国際保健ビジョン」の公表について(8/26)《厚生労働省》


improving the health and well-being, and safety of people worldwide.
⚫ Establishing a positive cycle in better health and well-being that links Japan and
international community, and utilizing the insights and knowledge gained from
international cooperation and exchange to international community.
To advance our response in accordance with the above basic policy, the MHLW
will implement the following measures.
⚫ The MHLW will develop fundamental policies for each issue and target set at
international conferences, and coordinate with relevant domestic and international
organizations. This includes rule-making and international standardization, aiming
to contribute to the global health
⚫ In addition, the MHLW will regularly work on maintaining and expanding
international networks, gathering information, and building a foundation for
coordination. It will also strategically utilize, develop, protect, and support global
health professionals.
⚫ For the time being, key focus areas will include UHC, international drug
development, the Indo-Pacific Health Strategy, and responses to health
emergencies such as infectious diseases.
4 Specific Initiatives
(1) Establishment of the "UHC Knowledge Hub”
① Purpose
Based on the idea of human security, there is a need to strengthen national health
systems to achieve more resilient, equitable, and sustainable UHC worldwide. Since
Japan has been actively promoting UHC globally for many years, Japan, together with
the World Bank and WHO, will establish a "UHC Knowledge Hub" in Japan in 2025.
The Hub will support knowledge sharing on UHC as well as capacity building for
finance and health authorities. It will leverage the expertise of the World Bank and
WHO, while drawing on Japan's experience, such as our efforts to maintain quality
UHC amid an aging and declining population. Ultimately, serving as the Hub will aim
to be a driving force for UHC in collaboration with various international organizations
and stakeholders.
② Contents