
MC plus(エムシープラス)は、診療報酬・介護報酬改定関連のニュース、


Global Health Vision of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (5 ページ)

公開元URL https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_42939.html
出典情報 「厚生労働省国際保健ビジョン」の公表について(8/26)《厚生労働省》


2 Current Status and Issues
Previous Japan’s perspective
Japan has promoted global health based on the concept of human security, in
which each individual pursues the right to dignity and survival. On this basis, it is
internationally recognized that the achievement of UHC has been positioned at the
center of Japan's health diplomacy. Especially in recent years, Japan has been calling
the world’s attention to the importance of finance and health coordination in
strengthening national health systems to achieve UHC, as well as the need to design
a sustainable health financing system. For example, Japan hosted the G20 Joint
Finance and Health Ministers’ Meeting for the first time at G20 Osaka Summit in 2019,
and this practice has been followed in subsequent G20 summits.
Challenges in light of the COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the vulnerabilities of the current global health
governance and financing, with the World Health Organization (WHO) at its center. As
a lesson learned from this pandemic, lively discussions are now underway among
international community on the need to build a Global Health Architecture (GHA)
aimed at strengthening Prevention, Preparedness, and Response (PPR) for future
At the same time, the experience of COVID-19 has the necessity of building a
resilient health system, as advocated globally, from the viewpoint of effective response
to health crises. To strengthen responses to future pandemics, it is crucial to enhance
health systems based on the concept of human security, particularly by improving
health financing. Achieving UHC globally is fundamental to protecting people's health.
With declaration of a state of Emergency in response to COVID-19 lifted and
lessons of the pandemic gradually fading, the momentum for strengthening PPR
through the establishment of a GHA and for achieving UHC is waning. The world has
repeatedly experienced “panic and neglect” with each successive pandemic. To avoid
repeating the same mistake after the COVID-19, Japan has been determined to keep
contributing to the achievement of UHC.
Complex global challenges confronting humanity
The world continues to face ongoing infectious disease, such as HIV/AIDs,
tuberculosis, and malaria, as well as longstanding issues like vaccination and