Global Health Vision of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (25 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_42939.html |
出典情報 | 「厚生労働省国際保健ビジョン」の公表について(8/26)《厚生労働省》 |
health emergencies, contributing to the achievement of more resilient, equitable, and
sustainable UHC through strengthening health systems, and promoting health
innovation to address various health challenges.
Since 2003, Japan has hosted the ASEAN-Japan High-Level Meeting on Caring
Societies with the aim of strengthening cooperative relations and human resource
development in the field of social security with ASEAN countries. Additionally,
“Trilateral Health Ministers’ Meeting among Japan, People’s Republic of China and
the Republic of Korea has been held annually since 2007. Furthermore, the ASEAN+3
(China, Republic of Korea, and Japan) Health Ministers’ Meeting has been held
biennially since 2004.
There is also a need to strategically increase opportunities for bilateral policy
dialogue, where such dialogues can be more effective, particularly in areas like drug
discovery-related collaboration.
(8) Strengthening the governance of the Ministry’s international department and the
international health human resource strategy
In order for the MHLW to work strategically on global health, governance needs to
be strengthened with regard to the international department within the Ministry.
Specific measures to strengthen the organization are as follows.
⚫ The Office of Global Health Coordination, headed by the Vice-Minister for Medical
Affairs, will be established to coordinate the Ministry’s global health initiatives,
particularly in priority areas. This office will operate through the line of the ViceMinister for Medical Affairs, Senior Assistant Minister, and Deputy Assistant
⚫ The International Affairs Division of the Minister’s Secretariat will serve as the
secretariat and act as a cross-sectoral coordinating body for international projects
within the Ministry. It will work in cooperation with the International Labour Division.
In addition, deputy assistant minister-level positions in the relevant bureaus will
be concurrently assigned to the International Affairs Division to ensure that they
can promote measures in alignment with the International Affairs Division staff.
Moreover, in order for the Government of Japan to demonstrate its initiatives in
collaboration with international organizations, we will provide support to increase the
number of Japanese staff working in these organizations and ensure that their abilities
sustainable UHC through strengthening health systems, and promoting health
innovation to address various health challenges.
Since 2003, Japan has hosted the ASEAN-Japan High-Level Meeting on Caring
Societies with the aim of strengthening cooperative relations and human resource
development in the field of social security with ASEAN countries. Additionally,
“Trilateral Health Ministers’ Meeting among Japan, People’s Republic of China and
the Republic of Korea has been held annually since 2007. Furthermore, the ASEAN+3
(China, Republic of Korea, and Japan) Health Ministers’ Meeting has been held
biennially since 2004.
There is also a need to strategically increase opportunities for bilateral policy
dialogue, where such dialogues can be more effective, particularly in areas like drug
discovery-related collaboration.
(8) Strengthening the governance of the Ministry’s international department and the
international health human resource strategy
In order for the MHLW to work strategically on global health, governance needs to
be strengthened with regard to the international department within the Ministry.
Specific measures to strengthen the organization are as follows.
⚫ The Office of Global Health Coordination, headed by the Vice-Minister for Medical
Affairs, will be established to coordinate the Ministry’s global health initiatives,
particularly in priority areas. This office will operate through the line of the ViceMinister for Medical Affairs, Senior Assistant Minister, and Deputy Assistant
⚫ The International Affairs Division of the Minister’s Secretariat will serve as the
secretariat and act as a cross-sectoral coordinating body for international projects
within the Ministry. It will work in cooperation with the International Labour Division.
In addition, deputy assistant minister-level positions in the relevant bureaus will
be concurrently assigned to the International Affairs Division to ensure that they
can promote measures in alignment with the International Affairs Division staff.
Moreover, in order for the Government of Japan to demonstrate its initiatives in
collaboration with international organizations, we will provide support to increase the
number of Japanese staff working in these organizations and ensure that their abilities