
MC plus(エムシープラス)は、診療報酬・介護報酬改定関連のニュース、


伊佐先生資料 (3 ページ)

公開元URL https://www.lifescience.mext.go.jp/2022/10/4041102.html
出典情報 ライフサイエンス委員会 脳科学作業部会(第4回 11/2)《文部科学省》




U.S. Brain Initiative: The Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative
Neurotechnologies® (BRAIN) Initiative is aimed at revolutionizing our
understanding of the human brain.

1. Discovering diversity: Iden'fy and provide experimental access to the different brain cell types to determine their roles in health and disease.
2. Maps at mul8ple scales: Generate circuit diagrams that vary in resolu'on from synapses to the whole brain.
3. The brain in ac8on: Produce a dynamic picture of the func'oning brain by developing and applying improved methods for large-scale monitoring of neural ac'vity.
4. Demonstra8ng causality: Link brain ac'vity to behavior with precise interven'onal tools that change neural circuit dynamics
5. Iden8fying fundamental principles: Produce conceptual founda'ons for understanding the biological basis of mental processes through development of new
theore'cal and data analysis tools.
6. Advancing human neuroscience: Develop innova've technologies to understand the human brain and treat its disorders; create and support integrated human
brain research networks.
7. From BRAIN Ini8a8ve to the brain: Integrate new technological and conceptual approaches produced in Goals #1-6 to discover how dynamic paGerns of neural
ac'vity are transformed into cogni'on, emo'on, percep'on, and ac'on in health and disease.

Ngai Cell 2022


Supported also by several agencies other than NIH
