健康に配慮した飲酒に関するガイドライン(案) (8 ページ)
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出典情報 | 「健康に配慮した飲酒に関するガイドライン(案)」に関する御意見の募集について(12/11)《厚生労働省》 |
Tsugane S; JPHC Study Group. Alcohol consumption and risk of stroke and
coronary heart disease among Japanese women: the Japan Public Health
Center-based prospective study. Prev Med. 2013; 57(5): 505-510. (アルコー
21. Harada S, Zhang S: New Strategy for Detection of ALDH2 Mutant. Alcohol
Alcohol. 1993; 28: 11-13. (日本人のお酒に弱い酵素の遺伝子)
22. 横山顕 アルコール代謝と発がん.糖尿病・内分泌内科.2021; 52(1): 58-65.
23. Brooks PJ, Enoch MA, Goldman D, Li TK, Yokoyama A: The Alcohol Flushing
Response: An Unrecognized Risk Factor for Esophageal Cancer from Alcohol
Consumption. PLoS Med. 2009 Mar; 6(3): e1000050.(フラッシングと食道癌)
24. Ono A, Inoue M, Sawada N, Saito E, Yamaji T , Shimazu T, Goto A, Iwasaki
M, Tsugane S; JPHC Study Group: Impact of alcohol drinking on cancer risk
with consideration of flushing response: The Japan Public Health Centerbased Prospective Study Cohort (JPHC study). Prev Med. 2020 Feb
11; 133: 106026.(フラッシングと癌のリスク)
25. World Health Organization: Global status report on alcohol and health
2018. (https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241565639) (飲酒の世
26. Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health: Final Report (ccsa.ca) .
27. GBD 2016 Alcohol Collaborator: Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries
and territories, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of
Disease Study 2016. Lancet. 2018; 392: 1015-1035.(アルコール使用と全世界
28. Nakashita Y, Nakamura M, Kitamura A, Kiyama M, Ishikawa Y, Mikami H:
Relationships of cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption to metabolic
syndrome in Japanese men. J Epidemiol 2010; 20:391–397.(飲酒と高血圧)
29. Inoue M, Nagata C, Tsuji I, Sugawara Y, Wakai K, Tamakoshi A, Matsuo
K, Mizoue T, Tanaka K, Sasazuki S, Tsugane S; Research Group for the
Development and Evaluation of Cancer Prevention Strategies in Japan:
Impact of alcohol intake on total mortality and mortality from major
causes in Japan: a pooled analysis of six large-scale cohort studies.
Research Group for the Development and Evaluation of Cancer Prevention
Strategies in Japan. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2012 May; 66(5): 4488
coronary heart disease among Japanese women: the Japan Public Health
Center-based prospective study. Prev Med. 2013; 57(5): 505-510. (アルコー
21. Harada S, Zhang S: New Strategy for Detection of ALDH2 Mutant. Alcohol
Alcohol. 1993; 28: 11-13. (日本人のお酒に弱い酵素の遺伝子)
22. 横山顕 アルコール代謝と発がん.糖尿病・内分泌内科.2021; 52(1): 58-65.
23. Brooks PJ, Enoch MA, Goldman D, Li TK, Yokoyama A: The Alcohol Flushing
Response: An Unrecognized Risk Factor for Esophageal Cancer from Alcohol
Consumption. PLoS Med. 2009 Mar; 6(3): e1000050.(フラッシングと食道癌)
24. Ono A, Inoue M, Sawada N, Saito E, Yamaji T , Shimazu T, Goto A, Iwasaki
M, Tsugane S; JPHC Study Group: Impact of alcohol drinking on cancer risk
with consideration of flushing response: The Japan Public Health Centerbased Prospective Study Cohort (JPHC study). Prev Med. 2020 Feb
11; 133: 106026.(フラッシングと癌のリスク)
25. World Health Organization: Global status report on alcohol and health
2018. (https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241565639) (飲酒の世
26. Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health: Final Report (ccsa.ca) .
27. GBD 2016 Alcohol Collaborator: Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries
and territories, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of
Disease Study 2016. Lancet. 2018; 392: 1015-1035.(アルコール使用と全世界
28. Nakashita Y, Nakamura M, Kitamura A, Kiyama M, Ishikawa Y, Mikami H:
Relationships of cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption to metabolic
syndrome in Japanese men. J Epidemiol 2010; 20:391–397.(飲酒と高血圧)
29. Inoue M, Nagata C, Tsuji I, Sugawara Y, Wakai K, Tamakoshi A, Matsuo
K, Mizoue T, Tanaka K, Sasazuki S, Tsugane S; Research Group for the
Development and Evaluation of Cancer Prevention Strategies in Japan:
Impact of alcohol intake on total mortality and mortality from major
causes in Japan: a pooled analysis of six large-scale cohort studies.
Research Group for the Development and Evaluation of Cancer Prevention
Strategies in Japan. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2012 May; 66(5): 4488