参考資料6_THE ESSENTIALS: CORE COMPETENCIES FOR PROFESSIONAL NURSING EDUCATION (2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing) (14 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/shingi/chousa/koutou/125/mext_00004.html |
出典情報 | 看護学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムの改訂に関する連絡調整委員会(第1回 7/19)《文部科学省》 |
© 2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing. All rights reserved.
health centers with the goals of achieving improved healthcare outcomes, fostering new models
for innovation, and advancing integrated systems of health care. While focused primarily on
academic health centers, the recommendations apply to partnerships between non-academic
health centers and schools of nursing as well. The recommendations include enhancing the
clinical practice of academic nursing; partnering in the preparation of the nurses of the future;
collaborating to develop workforce plans in partnership with the health system; integrating
academic nursing into population health initiatives; partnering in the implementation
of Accountable Care; and partnering for optimal patient care and healthcare delivery
(AACN, 2016).
Career-Long Learning
Current trends in higher education focus on supplemental methods of awarding credit and
recognition for additional learning which has implications for career-long learning. Emerging
educational methods should be considered as possible additions in the development of
curriculum pathways in contemporary nursing education. For example, the use of e-portfolios,
which may be used to record competency achievement and educational milestones and
continued throughout one’s career, can be used to document personal development plans,
badges, certifications, employment appraisals, and reflections on clinical events to establish
meaning from various encounters.
Awarding of micro-credentials or badges by academic institutions also is becoming popular.
Badges recognize incremental learning in visible ways and can support career development
(Educause, 2018). Stackable credentials can be accumulated over time and facilitate one’s
professional development along a career trajectory (Department of Labor, 2015). Open access
courses represent another way to learn a variety of skills or subject matter. All of these are
important considerations in basic and advanced nursing education.
health centers with the goals of achieving improved healthcare outcomes, fostering new models
for innovation, and advancing integrated systems of health care. While focused primarily on
academic health centers, the recommendations apply to partnerships between non-academic
health centers and schools of nursing as well. The recommendations include enhancing the
clinical practice of academic nursing; partnering in the preparation of the nurses of the future;
collaborating to develop workforce plans in partnership with the health system; integrating
academic nursing into population health initiatives; partnering in the implementation
of Accountable Care; and partnering for optimal patient care and healthcare delivery
(AACN, 2016).
Career-Long Learning
Current trends in higher education focus on supplemental methods of awarding credit and
recognition for additional learning which has implications for career-long learning. Emerging
educational methods should be considered as possible additions in the development of
curriculum pathways in contemporary nursing education. For example, the use of e-portfolios,
which may be used to record competency achievement and educational milestones and
continued throughout one’s career, can be used to document personal development plans,
badges, certifications, employment appraisals, and reflections on clinical events to establish
meaning from various encounters.
Awarding of micro-credentials or badges by academic institutions also is becoming popular.
Badges recognize incremental learning in visible ways and can support career development
(Educause, 2018). Stackable credentials can be accumulated over time and facilitate one’s
professional development along a career trajectory (Department of Labor, 2015). Open access
courses represent another way to learn a variety of skills or subject matter. All of these are
important considerations in basic and advanced nursing education.