参考資料6_THE ESSENTIALS: CORE COMPETENCIES FOR PROFESSIONAL NURSING EDUCATION (2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing) (76 ページ)
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出典情報 | 看護学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムの改訂に関する連絡調整委員会(第1回 7/19)《文部科学省》 |
© 2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing. All rights reserved.
Jones, C. P. (2000). Levels of racism: A theoretic framework and a gardener’s tale. American
Journal of Public Health, 90(8), 1212-1215.
Josiah Macy Foundation. (2016). Conference summary: Registered nurses: Partners in
transforming primary care. https://macyfoundation.org/publications/conference-summaryregistered-nurses- partners-in-transforming-primary-care
Josiah Macy Foundation. (2017). Achieving competency-based time-variable health professions
education. Recommendations from the Macy Foundation Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 14-17, 2017.
Keeling, A., Hehman, M., & Kirschgessner, J. (2017). History of Professional Nursing in the United
States. Springer Publishing.
Keller, T., & Ridenour, N. (2021). Ethics. In Giddens, J. (ed). Concepts for Nursing Practice,
St. Louis: Elsevier.
Kindig, D. & Stoddart, G. (2003). What is population health? American Journal of Public Health,
93(3), 380-383.
Kindig, D. (2007). Understanding population health terminology. The Milbank Quarterly, 85(1),
Kranich, N. (2001). Equality and equity of access: What’s the difference? Libraries and
Democracy, Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 2001: 15-27. For the ALA Intellectual
Freedom Committee. http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/equalityequity.
Lachman, V. (2007a). Moral courage: A virtue in need of development? MEDSURG Nursing,
16(2), 131-133.
Lachman, V. (2007b). Moral courage in action: Case studies. MEDSURG Nursing, 16(4), 275-277.
Lachman, V. (2009). Ethical Challenges in Healthcare - Developing Your Moral Compass. New
York: Springer Publishing Company.
Lawrence, K., Keleher, T. (2004). Structural racism. Race and public policy conference. Retrieved
from www.ywcagreaterbaltimore.org/images/structural%20racism.pdf.
Leininger, M. (1978). Changing foci in American nursing education: Primary and transcultural
nursing care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 3(2), 155-166.
Lipstein, S. H, Kellermann, A. L., Berkowitz, B., Phillips, R., Sklar, D., Steele, G. D., & Thibault,
G. E. (September 2016). Workforce for 21st century health and health care: A vital direction
for health and health care. National Academies of Medicine. https://nam.edu/wp-content/
Manetti, W. (2019). Sound clinical judgment in nursing: A concept analysis. Nursing Forum,
54(1), 102-110.
Mayer, J.D., & Salovey, P. (1997). What is emotional intelligence? In: Salovey, P., Sluyter, D.J.
(Eds.), What is Emotional Intelligence? Basic Books, New York.
Jones, C. P. (2000). Levels of racism: A theoretic framework and a gardener’s tale. American
Journal of Public Health, 90(8), 1212-1215.
Josiah Macy Foundation. (2016). Conference summary: Registered nurses: Partners in
transforming primary care. https://macyfoundation.org/publications/conference-summaryregistered-nurses- partners-in-transforming-primary-care
Josiah Macy Foundation. (2017). Achieving competency-based time-variable health professions
education. Recommendations from the Macy Foundation Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 14-17, 2017.
Keeling, A., Hehman, M., & Kirschgessner, J. (2017). History of Professional Nursing in the United
States. Springer Publishing.
Keller, T., & Ridenour, N. (2021). Ethics. In Giddens, J. (ed). Concepts for Nursing Practice,
St. Louis: Elsevier.
Kindig, D. & Stoddart, G. (2003). What is population health? American Journal of Public Health,
93(3), 380-383.
Kindig, D. (2007). Understanding population health terminology. The Milbank Quarterly, 85(1),
Kranich, N. (2001). Equality and equity of access: What’s the difference? Libraries and
Democracy, Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 2001: 15-27. For the ALA Intellectual
Freedom Committee. http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/equalityequity.
Lachman, V. (2007a). Moral courage: A virtue in need of development? MEDSURG Nursing,
16(2), 131-133.
Lachman, V. (2007b). Moral courage in action: Case studies. MEDSURG Nursing, 16(4), 275-277.
Lachman, V. (2009). Ethical Challenges in Healthcare - Developing Your Moral Compass. New
York: Springer Publishing Company.
Lawrence, K., Keleher, T. (2004). Structural racism. Race and public policy conference. Retrieved
from www.ywcagreaterbaltimore.org/images/structural%20racism.pdf.
Leininger, M. (1978). Changing foci in American nursing education: Primary and transcultural
nursing care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 3(2), 155-166.
Lipstein, S. H, Kellermann, A. L., Berkowitz, B., Phillips, R., Sklar, D., Steele, G. D., & Thibault,
G. E. (September 2016). Workforce for 21st century health and health care: A vital direction
for health and health care. National Academies of Medicine. https://nam.edu/wp-content/
Manetti, W. (2019). Sound clinical judgment in nursing: A concept analysis. Nursing Forum,
54(1), 102-110.
Mayer, J.D., & Salovey, P. (1997). What is emotional intelligence? In: Salovey, P., Sluyter, D.J.
(Eds.), What is Emotional Intelligence? Basic Books, New York.