参考資料6_THE ESSENTIALS: CORE COMPETENCIES FOR PROFESSIONAL NURSING EDUCATION (2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing) (47 ページ)
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出典情報 | 看護学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムの改訂に関する連絡調整委員会(第1回 7/19)《文部科学省》 |
© 2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing. All rights reserved.
Domain 6: Interprofessional Partnerships
Descriptor: Intentional collaboration across professions and with care team members, patients,
families, communities, and other stakeholders to optimize care, enhance the healthcare
experience, and strengthen outcomes.
Contextual Statement: Professional partnerships that include interprofessional,
intraprofessional, and paraprofessional partnerships, build on a consistent demonstration of
core professional values (altruism, excellence, caring, ethics, respect, communication, and
shared accountability) in the provision of team-based, person-centered care. Nursing knowledge
and expertise uniquely contributes to the intentional work within teams and in concert with
patient, family, and community preferences and goals. Interprofessional partnerships require
a coordinated, integrated, and collaborative implementation of the unique knowledge, beliefs,
and skills of the full team for the end purpose of optimized care delivery. Effective collaboration
requires an understanding of team dynamics and an ability to work effectively in care-oriented
teams. Leadership of the team varies depending on needs of the individual, community,
population, and context of care.
Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education
Advanced-Level Nursing Education
6.1 Communicate in a manner that facilitates a partnership approach to quality care delivery.
6.1a Communicate the nurse’s roles and
responsibilities clearly.
6.1g Evaluate effectiveness of interprofessional
communication tools and techniques to support
and improve the efficacy of team-based
6.1b Use various communication tools and
techniques effectively.
6.1h Facilitate improvements in interprofessional
communications of individual information (e.g.
6.1c Elicit the perspectives of team members to
inform person-centered care decision making.
6.1i Role model respect for diversity, equity, and
inclusion in team-based communications.
6.1d Articulate impact of diversity, equity, and
inclusion on team-based communications.
6.1j Communicate nursing’s unique disciplinary
knowledge to strengthen interprofessional
6.1e Communicate individual information in a
professional, accurate, and timely manner.
6.1k Provide expert consultation for other members
of the healthcare team in one’s area of practice.
6.1f Communicate as informed by legal, regulatory,
and policy guidelines.
6.1l Demonstrate capacity to resolve
interprofessional conflict.
6.2 Perform effectively in different team roles, using principles and values of team dynamics.
6.2a Apply principles of team dynamics, including
team roles, to facilitate effective team functioning.
6.2g Integrate evidence-based strategies and
processes to improve team effectiveness and
Domain 6: Interprofessional Partnerships
Descriptor: Intentional collaboration across professions and with care team members, patients,
families, communities, and other stakeholders to optimize care, enhance the healthcare
experience, and strengthen outcomes.
Contextual Statement: Professional partnerships that include interprofessional,
intraprofessional, and paraprofessional partnerships, build on a consistent demonstration of
core professional values (altruism, excellence, caring, ethics, respect, communication, and
shared accountability) in the provision of team-based, person-centered care. Nursing knowledge
and expertise uniquely contributes to the intentional work within teams and in concert with
patient, family, and community preferences and goals. Interprofessional partnerships require
a coordinated, integrated, and collaborative implementation of the unique knowledge, beliefs,
and skills of the full team for the end purpose of optimized care delivery. Effective collaboration
requires an understanding of team dynamics and an ability to work effectively in care-oriented
teams. Leadership of the team varies depending on needs of the individual, community,
population, and context of care.
Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education
Advanced-Level Nursing Education
6.1 Communicate in a manner that facilitates a partnership approach to quality care delivery.
6.1a Communicate the nurse’s roles and
responsibilities clearly.
6.1g Evaluate effectiveness of interprofessional
communication tools and techniques to support
and improve the efficacy of team-based
6.1b Use various communication tools and
techniques effectively.
6.1h Facilitate improvements in interprofessional
communications of individual information (e.g.
6.1c Elicit the perspectives of team members to
inform person-centered care decision making.
6.1i Role model respect for diversity, equity, and
inclusion in team-based communications.
6.1d Articulate impact of diversity, equity, and
inclusion on team-based communications.
6.1j Communicate nursing’s unique disciplinary
knowledge to strengthen interprofessional
6.1e Communicate individual information in a
professional, accurate, and timely manner.
6.1k Provide expert consultation for other members
of the healthcare team in one’s area of practice.
6.1f Communicate as informed by legal, regulatory,
and policy guidelines.
6.1l Demonstrate capacity to resolve
interprofessional conflict.
6.2 Perform effectively in different team roles, using principles and values of team dynamics.
6.2a Apply principles of team dynamics, including
team roles, to facilitate effective team functioning.
6.2g Integrate evidence-based strategies and
processes to improve team effectiveness and