参考資料6_THE ESSENTIALS: CORE COMPETENCIES FOR PROFESSIONAL NURSING EDUCATION (2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing) (54 ページ)
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出典情報 | 看護学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムの改訂に関する連絡調整委員会(第1回 7/19)《文部科学省》 |
© 2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing. All rights reserved.
Domain 9: Professionalism
Descriptor: Formation and cultivation of a sustainable professional identity, including
accountability, perspective, collaborative disposition, and comportment, that reflects nursing’s
characteristics and values.
Contextual Statement: Professionalism encompasses the development of a nursing identity
embracing the values of integrity, altruism, inclusivity, compassion, courage, humility, advocacy,
caring, autonomy, humanity, and social justice. Professional identity formation necessitates the
development of emotional intelligence to promote social good, engage in social justice, and
demonstrate ethical comportment, moral courage, and assertiveness in decision making and
actions. Nursing professionalism is a continuous process of socialization that requires the nurse
to give back to the profession through the mentorship and development of others.
Professional identity, influenced by one’s personal identity and unique background, is formed
throughout one’s education and career. Nursing identity flourishes through engagement and
reflection in multiple experiences that is defined by differing perspectives and voices. As a
result, nurses embrace the history, characteristics, and values of the discipline and think, act,
and feel like a nurse. Professional identity formation is not a linear process but rather one
that responds to challenges and matures through professional experiences as one develops
confidence as a nurse.
Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education
Advanced-Level Nursing Education
9.1 Demonstrate an ethical comportment in one’s practice reflective of nursing’s mission to society.
9.1a Apply principles of professional nursing ethics
and human rights in patient care and professional
9.1h Analyze current policies and practices in the
context of an ethical framework.
9.1b Reflect on one’s actions and their
9.1i Model ethical behaviors in practice and
leadership roles.
9.1c Demonstrate ethical behaviors in practice.
9.1j Suggest solutions when unethical behaviors are
9.1d Change behavior based on self and situational
9.1k Assume accountability for working to resolve
ethical dilemmas.
9.1e Report unethical behaviors when observed.
9.1f Safeguard privacy, confidentiality, and
autonomy in all interactions.
9.1g Advocate for the individual’s right to selfdetermination.
Domain 9: Professionalism
Descriptor: Formation and cultivation of a sustainable professional identity, including
accountability, perspective, collaborative disposition, and comportment, that reflects nursing’s
characteristics and values.
Contextual Statement: Professionalism encompasses the development of a nursing identity
embracing the values of integrity, altruism, inclusivity, compassion, courage, humility, advocacy,
caring, autonomy, humanity, and social justice. Professional identity formation necessitates the
development of emotional intelligence to promote social good, engage in social justice, and
demonstrate ethical comportment, moral courage, and assertiveness in decision making and
actions. Nursing professionalism is a continuous process of socialization that requires the nurse
to give back to the profession through the mentorship and development of others.
Professional identity, influenced by one’s personal identity and unique background, is formed
throughout one’s education and career. Nursing identity flourishes through engagement and
reflection in multiple experiences that is defined by differing perspectives and voices. As a
result, nurses embrace the history, characteristics, and values of the discipline and think, act,
and feel like a nurse. Professional identity formation is not a linear process but rather one
that responds to challenges and matures through professional experiences as one develops
confidence as a nurse.
Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education
Advanced-Level Nursing Education
9.1 Demonstrate an ethical comportment in one’s practice reflective of nursing’s mission to society.
9.1a Apply principles of professional nursing ethics
and human rights in patient care and professional
9.1h Analyze current policies and practices in the
context of an ethical framework.
9.1b Reflect on one’s actions and their
9.1i Model ethical behaviors in practice and
leadership roles.
9.1c Demonstrate ethical behaviors in practice.
9.1j Suggest solutions when unethical behaviors are
9.1d Change behavior based on self and situational
9.1k Assume accountability for working to resolve
ethical dilemmas.
9.1e Report unethical behaviors when observed.
9.1f Safeguard privacy, confidentiality, and
autonomy in all interactions.
9.1g Advocate for the individual’s right to selfdetermination.