参考資料6_THE ESSENTIALS: CORE COMPETENCIES FOR PROFESSIONAL NURSING EDUCATION (2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing) (24 ページ)
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出典情報 | 看護学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムの改訂に関する連絡調整委員会(第1回 7/19)《文部科学省》 |
© 2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing. All rights reserved.
Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education
Programs preparing nurses to enter professional nursing practice (either through prelicensure
preparation or through a degree completion pathway for nurses with initial preparation with an
associate or diploma degree) use Level 1 sub-competencies within the curriculum. Entry-level
professional nursing programs prepare graduates as a generalist for practice across the lifespan
and with diverse populations and in four spheres of practice.
Entry-Level Professional Nursing Degree Options
Pre-licensure Programs
Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education sub-competencies (Level 1) are applied across
any curriculum preparing for entry to professional nursing practice. Content learned within
prerequisite courses is incorporated into the learning and assessment of the sub-competencies
as applicable, and attainment of sub-competencies are applied within prerequisite courses. This
does not mean that every sub-competency and concept is applied in every course, but it does
mean that sub-competencies are not addressed in one course and then disregarded for the
remainder of the program. Outcome measures include evidence of attainment of Level 1 subcompetencies, pass rates on the NCLEX-RN® (for traditional and accelerated tracks), and other
institutional requirements.
Post-Licensure Degree Programs
Level 1 core sub-competencies also are used in post-licensure or degree completion, first
professional programs. Because learners in these programs are already licensed registered
nurses, the Level 1 sub-competencies build on knowledge and skills acquired in their initial
nursing education program. Verification of prior competency achievement in some domains
may result in a shorter timeframe needed to prepare learners in these programs.
All learners in entry-level professional nursing education programs (pre-licensure and postlicensure [degree-completion] programs) will engage in direct patient care learning activities in
all four spheres of care and across the lifespan.
Spheres of Care and Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education
All entry-level professional nurses need knowledge and proficiencies to practice across a
variety of settings. Accordingly, curricula for entry-level professional nursing education prepare
the learner for generalist practice across the
lifespan and with diverse populations, focusing
Wellness, Disease
Chronic Disease
on four spheres of care: promotion of health
and well-being/disease prevention; chronic
disease care; regenerative or restorative care;
4 Spheres of
and hospice/palliative/supportive care (AACN,
2019; Lipstein et al., 2016; Figure 2). Didactic,
Regenerative /
Hospice /
simulated, laboratory, and clinical learning
Palliative Care
experiences prepare nurses to practice in these
diverse settings. Level 1 sub-competencies apply
across the spheres of care, requiring learners to Figure 2: Four Spheres of Care
Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education
Programs preparing nurses to enter professional nursing practice (either through prelicensure
preparation or through a degree completion pathway for nurses with initial preparation with an
associate or diploma degree) use Level 1 sub-competencies within the curriculum. Entry-level
professional nursing programs prepare graduates as a generalist for practice across the lifespan
and with diverse populations and in four spheres of practice.
Entry-Level Professional Nursing Degree Options
Pre-licensure Programs
Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education sub-competencies (Level 1) are applied across
any curriculum preparing for entry to professional nursing practice. Content learned within
prerequisite courses is incorporated into the learning and assessment of the sub-competencies
as applicable, and attainment of sub-competencies are applied within prerequisite courses. This
does not mean that every sub-competency and concept is applied in every course, but it does
mean that sub-competencies are not addressed in one course and then disregarded for the
remainder of the program. Outcome measures include evidence of attainment of Level 1 subcompetencies, pass rates on the NCLEX-RN® (for traditional and accelerated tracks), and other
institutional requirements.
Post-Licensure Degree Programs
Level 1 core sub-competencies also are used in post-licensure or degree completion, first
professional programs. Because learners in these programs are already licensed registered
nurses, the Level 1 sub-competencies build on knowledge and skills acquired in their initial
nursing education program. Verification of prior competency achievement in some domains
may result in a shorter timeframe needed to prepare learners in these programs.
All learners in entry-level professional nursing education programs (pre-licensure and postlicensure [degree-completion] programs) will engage in direct patient care learning activities in
all four spheres of care and across the lifespan.
Spheres of Care and Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education
All entry-level professional nurses need knowledge and proficiencies to practice across a
variety of settings. Accordingly, curricula for entry-level professional nursing education prepare
the learner for generalist practice across the
lifespan and with diverse populations, focusing
Wellness, Disease
Chronic Disease
on four spheres of care: promotion of health
and well-being/disease prevention; chronic
disease care; regenerative or restorative care;
4 Spheres of
and hospice/palliative/supportive care (AACN,
2019; Lipstein et al., 2016; Figure 2). Didactic,
Regenerative /
Hospice /
simulated, laboratory, and clinical learning
Palliative Care
experiences prepare nurses to practice in these
diverse settings. Level 1 sub-competencies apply
across the spheres of care, requiring learners to Figure 2: Four Spheres of Care