参考資料6_THE ESSENTIALS: CORE COMPETENCIES FOR PROFESSIONAL NURSING EDUCATION (2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing) (8 ページ)
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出典情報 | 看護学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムの改訂に関する連絡調整委員会(第1回 7/19)《文部科学省》 |
© 2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing. All rights reserved.
dynamic, ongoing body-brain-mind-spirit interactions of the person, between and among
individuals, groups, communities, and the environment (Smith, 2019, pp. 9-12). Smith purports
that if nursing is to retain its status as a discipline, the explicit disciplinary knowledge must be an
integral part of all levels of nursing. Nursing has its own science, and this body of knowledge is
foundational for the next generation (Smith, 2019, p.13).
Why consider the past in a document that strives to shape the future? The historical roots of
the profession help its members understand how the past has answered complex questions
and shapes vital discipline concepts, traditions, policies, and even relationships. D’Antonio, et.
al (2010) also emphasize the disciplinary insights gained by considering the different histories
that challenge the dominant and accepted historical narrative. Undoubtedly, many experts have
contributed to the development of the discipline as it exists today. While the work of early and
current theorists is extensive, Green (2018) notes that none have been accepted as completely
defining the nature of nursing as a discipline. No doubt, nursing as a discipline will continue to
evolve as society and health care evolves.
Advancing the Discipline of Nursing
The continued development of nursing as a unique discipline requires an intentional approach.
Jairath et. al (2018) stated that any further development of the discipline should have the
capacity to directly transform the patient’s health experience. A new social order may be
necessary in which scientists, theorists, and practitioners work together to address questions
related to the interplay of big data and nursing theory. Nursing graduates, particularly at
the advanced nursing practice level, must be well-prepared to think ethically, conceptually,
and theoretically to better inform nursing care. Students must not only be introduced to the
knowledge and values of the discipline, but they must be guided to practice from a disciplinary
perspective – by seeing patients through the lens of wholeness and interconnectedness with
family and community; appreciating how the social, political, and economic environment
influences health; attending to what is most important to well-being; developing a caringhealing relationship; and honoring personal dignity, choice, and meaning. Smith and McCarthy
(2010) spoke to the need to provide a foundation for practitioners in the knowledge of the
discipline. Without this knowledge, the persistent challenge of differentiating nursing and the
professional levels of practice will continue.
Knowledge of the discipline grows in graduate education, as students apply and generate
nursing knowledge in their advanced nursing roles or develop and test theories as researchers.
Nursing practice should be guided by a nursing perspective while functioning within an
interdisciplinary arena. To appropriately educate the next generation of nurses, disciplinary
knowledge must be leveled to reflect the competencies or roles expected at each level.
The Value of a Liberal Education
In higher education, every academic discipline is grounded in a unique body of knowledge that
distinguishes that discipline. Through the study of the humanities, social sciences, and natural
sciences, students develop the capacity to engage in socially valued work and civic leadership in
society. Liberal education exposes students to a broad worldview, multiple disciplines, and ways
of knowing through specific coursework; however, the richness of perspective and knowledge
is woven throughout the nursing curriculum as these are integral to the full scope of nursing
dynamic, ongoing body-brain-mind-spirit interactions of the person, between and among
individuals, groups, communities, and the environment (Smith, 2019, pp. 9-12). Smith purports
that if nursing is to retain its status as a discipline, the explicit disciplinary knowledge must be an
integral part of all levels of nursing. Nursing has its own science, and this body of knowledge is
foundational for the next generation (Smith, 2019, p.13).
Why consider the past in a document that strives to shape the future? The historical roots of
the profession help its members understand how the past has answered complex questions
and shapes vital discipline concepts, traditions, policies, and even relationships. D’Antonio, et.
al (2010) also emphasize the disciplinary insights gained by considering the different histories
that challenge the dominant and accepted historical narrative. Undoubtedly, many experts have
contributed to the development of the discipline as it exists today. While the work of early and
current theorists is extensive, Green (2018) notes that none have been accepted as completely
defining the nature of nursing as a discipline. No doubt, nursing as a discipline will continue to
evolve as society and health care evolves.
Advancing the Discipline of Nursing
The continued development of nursing as a unique discipline requires an intentional approach.
Jairath et. al (2018) stated that any further development of the discipline should have the
capacity to directly transform the patient’s health experience. A new social order may be
necessary in which scientists, theorists, and practitioners work together to address questions
related to the interplay of big data and nursing theory. Nursing graduates, particularly at
the advanced nursing practice level, must be well-prepared to think ethically, conceptually,
and theoretically to better inform nursing care. Students must not only be introduced to the
knowledge and values of the discipline, but they must be guided to practice from a disciplinary
perspective – by seeing patients through the lens of wholeness and interconnectedness with
family and community; appreciating how the social, political, and economic environment
influences health; attending to what is most important to well-being; developing a caringhealing relationship; and honoring personal dignity, choice, and meaning. Smith and McCarthy
(2010) spoke to the need to provide a foundation for practitioners in the knowledge of the
discipline. Without this knowledge, the persistent challenge of differentiating nursing and the
professional levels of practice will continue.
Knowledge of the discipline grows in graduate education, as students apply and generate
nursing knowledge in their advanced nursing roles or develop and test theories as researchers.
Nursing practice should be guided by a nursing perspective while functioning within an
interdisciplinary arena. To appropriately educate the next generation of nurses, disciplinary
knowledge must be leveled to reflect the competencies or roles expected at each level.
The Value of a Liberal Education
In higher education, every academic discipline is grounded in a unique body of knowledge that
distinguishes that discipline. Through the study of the humanities, social sciences, and natural
sciences, students develop the capacity to engage in socially valued work and civic leadership in
society. Liberal education exposes students to a broad worldview, multiple disciplines, and ways
of knowing through specific coursework; however, the richness of perspective and knowledge
is woven throughout the nursing curriculum as these are integral to the full scope of nursing