参考資料6_THE ESSENTIALS: CORE COMPETENCIES FOR PROFESSIONAL NURSING EDUCATION (2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing) (67 ページ)
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出典情報 | 看護学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムの改訂に関する連絡調整委員会(第1回 7/19)《文部科学省》 |
© 2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing. All rights reserved.
Nurse sensitive indicators: Reflect three aspects of nursing care: structure, process, and
outcomes. Structural indicators include the supply of nursing staff, the skill level of nursing staff,
and the education and certification levels of nursing staff. Process indicators measure methods
of patient assessment and nursing interventions. Nursing job satisfaction is also considered a
process indicator. Outcome indicators reflect patient outcomes that depend on the quantity or
quality of nursing care (e.g., pressure ulcers and falls).
Nursing informatics: The specialty that integrates nursing science with multiple information and
analytical sciences to identify, define, manage, and communicate data, information, knowledge,
and wisdom in nursing practice (HIMSS, 2021).
Participatory approach: Calls for involving stakeholders, particularly the participants in a
program or those affected by a given policy, in specific aspects of the evaluation process. The
approach covers a wide range of different types of participation, and stakeholders can be
involved at any stage of the impact evaluation process, including its design, data collection,
analysis, reporting, and managing a study.
Partnerships: Close cooperation between parties having specified and joint rights and
Patient: The recipient of a healthcare service or intervention at the individual, family,
community, or aggregate level. Patients may function in independent, interdependent, or
dependent roles, and may seek or receive nursing interventions related to disease prevention,
health promotion, or health maintenance, as well as illness and end-of-life care (AACN, 2006).
Person-Centered Care: “Empowering people to take charge of their own health rather than
being passive recipients of services” (WHO, 2021). This care strategy is based on the belief that
patient views, input, and experiences can help improve overall health outcomes.
Point of Care: Where care is delivered, including in diverse settings where individuals live, learn,
work, play, and worship.
Population: A collection of individuals who have one or more personal or environmental
characteristics in common.
Practice: Any form of nursing intervention that influences healthcare outcomes for individuals
or populations, including the direct care of individual patients, management of care for
individuals and populations, administration of nursing and healthcare organizations, and the
development and implementation of health policy (AACN, 2004). Practice includes both direct
and indirect care experiences (defined below).
Direct Care/Indirect Care:
Direct care refers to a professional encounter between a nurse and an actual individual
or family, either face to face or virtual, that is intended to achieve specific health goals
or achieve selected health outcomes. Direct care may be provided in a wide range of
settings, including acute and critical care, long term care, home health, communitybased settings, and telehealth. (AACN, 2004, 2006; Suby, 2009; Upenieks, Akhavan,
Kotlerman et al., 2007).
Nurse sensitive indicators: Reflect three aspects of nursing care: structure, process, and
outcomes. Structural indicators include the supply of nursing staff, the skill level of nursing staff,
and the education and certification levels of nursing staff. Process indicators measure methods
of patient assessment and nursing interventions. Nursing job satisfaction is also considered a
process indicator. Outcome indicators reflect patient outcomes that depend on the quantity or
quality of nursing care (e.g., pressure ulcers and falls).
Nursing informatics: The specialty that integrates nursing science with multiple information and
analytical sciences to identify, define, manage, and communicate data, information, knowledge,
and wisdom in nursing practice (HIMSS, 2021).
Participatory approach: Calls for involving stakeholders, particularly the participants in a
program or those affected by a given policy, in specific aspects of the evaluation process. The
approach covers a wide range of different types of participation, and stakeholders can be
involved at any stage of the impact evaluation process, including its design, data collection,
analysis, reporting, and managing a study.
Partnerships: Close cooperation between parties having specified and joint rights and
Patient: The recipient of a healthcare service or intervention at the individual, family,
community, or aggregate level. Patients may function in independent, interdependent, or
dependent roles, and may seek or receive nursing interventions related to disease prevention,
health promotion, or health maintenance, as well as illness and end-of-life care (AACN, 2006).
Person-Centered Care: “Empowering people to take charge of their own health rather than
being passive recipients of services” (WHO, 2021). This care strategy is based on the belief that
patient views, input, and experiences can help improve overall health outcomes.
Point of Care: Where care is delivered, including in diverse settings where individuals live, learn,
work, play, and worship.
Population: A collection of individuals who have one or more personal or environmental
characteristics in common.
Practice: Any form of nursing intervention that influences healthcare outcomes for individuals
or populations, including the direct care of individual patients, management of care for
individuals and populations, administration of nursing and healthcare organizations, and the
development and implementation of health policy (AACN, 2004). Practice includes both direct
and indirect care experiences (defined below).
Direct Care/Indirect Care:
Direct care refers to a professional encounter between a nurse and an actual individual
or family, either face to face or virtual, that is intended to achieve specific health goals
or achieve selected health outcomes. Direct care may be provided in a wide range of
settings, including acute and critical care, long term care, home health, communitybased settings, and telehealth. (AACN, 2004, 2006; Suby, 2009; Upenieks, Akhavan,
Kotlerman et al., 2007).