参考資料6_THE ESSENTIALS: CORE COMPETENCIES FOR PROFESSIONAL NURSING EDUCATION (2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing) (15 ページ)
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出典情報 | 看護学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムの改訂に関する連絡調整委員会(第1回 7/19)《文部科学省》 |
© 2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing. All rights reserved.
Domains and Concepts
Domains for Nursing
Domains are broad distinguishable areas of competence that, when considered in the
aggregate, constitute a descriptive framework for the practice of nursing. These Essentials
include 10 domains that were adapted from the interprofessional work initiated by Englander
(2013) and tailored to reflect the discipline of nursing.
This document delineates the domains that are essential to nursing practice, including how
these are defined, what competencies should be expected for each domain at each level of
nursing, and how those domains and competencies both distinguish nursing and relate to
other health professions. Each domain has a descriptor (or working definition) and a contextual
statement. The contextual statement (presented in the Domain, Competency, Sub-Competency
Table found beginning on page 26) provides a framing for what the domain represents in the
context of nursing practice – thus providing an explanation for how the competencies within the
domain should be interpreted. The domain designations, descriptors, and contextual statements
may evolve over time to reflect future changes in healthcare and nursing practice. Although the
domains are presented as discrete entities, the expert practice of nursing requires integration
of most of the domains in every practice situation or patient encounter, thus they provide a
robust framework for competency-based education. The domains and descriptors used in the
Essentials are listed below.
Domain 1: Knowledge for Nursing Practice
Descriptor: Integration, translation, and application of established and evolving
disciplinary nursing knowledge and ways of knowing, as well as knowledge from
other disciplines, including a foundation in liberal arts and natural and social sciences.
This distinguishes the practice of professional nursing and forms the basis for clinical
judgment and innovation in nursing practice.
Domain 2: Person-Centered Care
Descriptor: Person-centered care focuses on the individual within multiple complicated
contexts, including family and/or important others. Person-centered care is holistic,
individualized, just, respectful, compassionate, coordinated, evidence-based, and
developmentally appropriate. Person-centered care builds on a scientific body of
knowledge that guides nursing practice regardless of specialty or functional area.
Domain 3: Population Health
Descriptor: Population health spans the healthcare delivery continuum from public
health prevention to disease management of populations and describes collaborative
activities with both traditional and non-traditional partnerships from affected
communities, public health, industry, academia, health care, local government entities,
and others for the improvement of equitable population health outcomes.
Domain 4: Scholarship for Nursing Discipline
Descriptor: The generation, synthesis, translation, application, and dissemination of
nursing knowledge to improve health and transform health care.
Domains and Concepts
Domains for Nursing
Domains are broad distinguishable areas of competence that, when considered in the
aggregate, constitute a descriptive framework for the practice of nursing. These Essentials
include 10 domains that were adapted from the interprofessional work initiated by Englander
(2013) and tailored to reflect the discipline of nursing.
This document delineates the domains that are essential to nursing practice, including how
these are defined, what competencies should be expected for each domain at each level of
nursing, and how those domains and competencies both distinguish nursing and relate to
other health professions. Each domain has a descriptor (or working definition) and a contextual
statement. The contextual statement (presented in the Domain, Competency, Sub-Competency
Table found beginning on page 26) provides a framing for what the domain represents in the
context of nursing practice – thus providing an explanation for how the competencies within the
domain should be interpreted. The domain designations, descriptors, and contextual statements
may evolve over time to reflect future changes in healthcare and nursing practice. Although the
domains are presented as discrete entities, the expert practice of nursing requires integration
of most of the domains in every practice situation or patient encounter, thus they provide a
robust framework for competency-based education. The domains and descriptors used in the
Essentials are listed below.
Domain 1: Knowledge for Nursing Practice
Descriptor: Integration, translation, and application of established and evolving
disciplinary nursing knowledge and ways of knowing, as well as knowledge from
other disciplines, including a foundation in liberal arts and natural and social sciences.
This distinguishes the practice of professional nursing and forms the basis for clinical
judgment and innovation in nursing practice.
Domain 2: Person-Centered Care
Descriptor: Person-centered care focuses on the individual within multiple complicated
contexts, including family and/or important others. Person-centered care is holistic,
individualized, just, respectful, compassionate, coordinated, evidence-based, and
developmentally appropriate. Person-centered care builds on a scientific body of
knowledge that guides nursing practice regardless of specialty or functional area.
Domain 3: Population Health
Descriptor: Population health spans the healthcare delivery continuum from public
health prevention to disease management of populations and describes collaborative
activities with both traditional and non-traditional partnerships from affected
communities, public health, industry, academia, health care, local government entities,
and others for the improvement of equitable population health outcomes.
Domain 4: Scholarship for Nursing Discipline
Descriptor: The generation, synthesis, translation, application, and dissemination of
nursing knowledge to improve health and transform health care.