参考資料6_THE ESSENTIALS: CORE COMPETENCIES FOR PROFESSIONAL NURSING EDUCATION (2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing) (42 ページ)
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出典情報 | 看護学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムの改訂に関する連絡調整委員会(第1回 7/19)《文部科学省》 |
© 2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing. All rights reserved.
Domain 4: Scholarship for the Nursing Discipline
Descriptor: The generation, synthesis, translation, application, and dissemination of nursing
knowledge to improve health and transform health care (AACN, 2018).
Contextual Statement: Nursing scholarship informs science, enhances clinical practice,
influences policy, and impacts best practices for educating nurses as clinicians, scholars, and
leaders. Scholarship is inclusive of discovery, application, integration, and teaching. While not all
inclusive, the scholarship of discovery includes primary empirical research, analysis of large data
sets, theory development, and methodological studies. The scholarship of practice interprets,
draws together, applies, and brings new insight to original research (Boyer, 1990; AACN 2018).
Knowledge of the basic principles of the research process, including the ability to critique
research and determine its applicability to nursing’s body of knowledge, is critical. Ethical
comportment in the conduct and dissemination of research and advocacy for human subjects
are essential components of nursing’s role in the process of improving health and health care.
Whereas the research process is the generation of new knowledge, evidence-based practice
(EBP) is the process for the application, translation, and implementation of best evidence into
clinical decision-making. While evidence may emerge from research, EBP extends beyond just
data to include patient preferences and values as well as clinical expertise. Nurses, as innovators
and leaders within the interprofessional team, use the uniqueness of nursing in nurse-patient
relationships to provide optimal care and address health inequities, structural racism, and
systemic inequity.
Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education
Advanced-Level Nursing Education
4.1 Advance the scholarship of nursing.
4.1a Demonstrate an understanding of different
approaches to scholarly practice.
4.1h Apply and critically evaluate advanced
knowledge in a defined area of nursing practice.
4.1b Demonstrate application of different levels of
4.1i Engage in scholarship to advance health.
4.1c Apply theoretical framework(s)/models in
4.1j Discern appropriate applications of
quality improvement, research, and evaluation
4.1d Demonstrate an understanding of basic
elements of the research process.
4.1k Collaborate to advance one’s scholarship.
4.1e Participate in scholarly inquiry as a team
4.1l Disseminate one’s scholarship to diverse
audiences using a variety of approaches or
4.1f Evaluate research.
4.1m Advocate within the interprofessional team
and with other stakeholders for the contributions
of nursing scholarship.
4.1g Communicate scholarly findings.
Domain 4: Scholarship for the Nursing Discipline
Descriptor: The generation, synthesis, translation, application, and dissemination of nursing
knowledge to improve health and transform health care (AACN, 2018).
Contextual Statement: Nursing scholarship informs science, enhances clinical practice,
influences policy, and impacts best practices for educating nurses as clinicians, scholars, and
leaders. Scholarship is inclusive of discovery, application, integration, and teaching. While not all
inclusive, the scholarship of discovery includes primary empirical research, analysis of large data
sets, theory development, and methodological studies. The scholarship of practice interprets,
draws together, applies, and brings new insight to original research (Boyer, 1990; AACN 2018).
Knowledge of the basic principles of the research process, including the ability to critique
research and determine its applicability to nursing’s body of knowledge, is critical. Ethical
comportment in the conduct and dissemination of research and advocacy for human subjects
are essential components of nursing’s role in the process of improving health and health care.
Whereas the research process is the generation of new knowledge, evidence-based practice
(EBP) is the process for the application, translation, and implementation of best evidence into
clinical decision-making. While evidence may emerge from research, EBP extends beyond just
data to include patient preferences and values as well as clinical expertise. Nurses, as innovators
and leaders within the interprofessional team, use the uniqueness of nursing in nurse-patient
relationships to provide optimal care and address health inequities, structural racism, and
systemic inequity.
Entry-Level Professional Nursing Education
Advanced-Level Nursing Education
4.1 Advance the scholarship of nursing.
4.1a Demonstrate an understanding of different
approaches to scholarly practice.
4.1h Apply and critically evaluate advanced
knowledge in a defined area of nursing practice.
4.1b Demonstrate application of different levels of
4.1i Engage in scholarship to advance health.
4.1c Apply theoretical framework(s)/models in
4.1j Discern appropriate applications of
quality improvement, research, and evaluation
4.1d Demonstrate an understanding of basic
elements of the research process.
4.1k Collaborate to advance one’s scholarship.
4.1e Participate in scholarly inquiry as a team
4.1l Disseminate one’s scholarship to diverse
audiences using a variety of approaches or
4.1f Evaluate research.
4.1m Advocate within the interprofessional team
and with other stakeholders for the contributions
of nursing scholarship.
4.1g Communicate scholarly findings.