参考資料6_THE ESSENTIALS: CORE COMPETENCIES FOR PROFESSIONAL NURSING EDUCATION (2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing) (27 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/shingi/chousa/koutou/125/mext_00004.html |
出典情報 | 看護学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムの改訂に関する連絡調整委員会(第1回 7/19)《文部科学省》 |
© 2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing. All rights reserved.
Advanced-level nursing education programs prepare graduates for practice in an advanced
nursing practice specialty (informatics, administration/practice leadership, public health/
population health, health policy) or an advanced practice nursing role (certified nurse
practitioner, certified nurse-midwife, certified clinical nurse specialist, certified registered
nurse anesthetist). Advanced-level nursing education programs focus on providing specialty
knowledge for graduates to enact specific advanced practice nursing roles or assume advanced
nursing specialty practice within the healthcare system. For this reason, specialty competencies,
defined by nationally recognized, specialty organizations, represent a major component of
advanced-level nursing education programs. Specialty competencies complement and build
upon the Level 2 sub-competencies. All graduates of an advanced nursing education program
are prepared and eligible for national, advanced nursing practice specialty certification or
advanced nursing practice role certification when available. It is noteworthy that specialties
evolve over time and new specialties may emerge.
All DNP programs (post-baccalaureate and post-master’s) demonstrate that graduates attain
and integrate Level 2 sub-competencies and competencies for at least one advanced nursing
practice specialty or advanced nursing practice role.
Individuals should seek to advance disciplinary expertise in a chosen nursing specialty or
advanced nursing practice role. This expertise is critical to advancing the profession, to expand
the influence of the profession for the transformation of health care, and to ensure an informed
disciplinary perspective for teaching in the discipline. Advancing education in nursing with
the emphasis on teaching and learning alone does not fulfill the achievement of disciplinary
expertise. Excellence as an educator is achieved by the collective enterprise for faculty teaching
and learning afforded by institutions and applied to discipline-specific teaching.
Advanced Level Practicum Experiences
Advanced-level nursing education programs provide rich and varied opportunities for practice
experiences (both direct and indirect care experiences) to prepare graduates with the Level
2 sub-competencies as well as applicable advanced nursing practice specialty/advanced
nursing practice role competencies and requirements. Practice experiences build on Level 1
sub-competency achievement and are designed to assist the graduate to achieve Level 2 subcompetencies and applicable specialty competencies upon completion of the program. Practice
experiences are required to integrate didactic learning, promote innovative thinking, and test
new potential solutions to clinical practice or system issues. Therefore, the development of new
skills and practice expectations can be facilitated through use of creative learning opportunities
in diverse settings.
All graduates of advanced-level nursing education programs have structured, faculty-designed
practice experiences, which may include precepted experiences with faculty oversight and/or
experiences with direct faculty supervision. The program is responsible for providing sufficient
and appropriate clinical sites/placements for students to demonstrate attainment of Level 2
sub-competencies and applicable specialty competencies. Clinical/practice learning experiences
may be accomplished through diverse methodologies, including simulation and virtual
technology, and assist the graduate to develop greater proficiency in these competencies,
including cognitive, psychomotor, and affective competencies. Use of simulation should align
with specialty requirements.
Advanced-level nursing education programs prepare graduates for practice in an advanced
nursing practice specialty (informatics, administration/practice leadership, public health/
population health, health policy) or an advanced practice nursing role (certified nurse
practitioner, certified nurse-midwife, certified clinical nurse specialist, certified registered
nurse anesthetist). Advanced-level nursing education programs focus on providing specialty
knowledge for graduates to enact specific advanced practice nursing roles or assume advanced
nursing specialty practice within the healthcare system. For this reason, specialty competencies,
defined by nationally recognized, specialty organizations, represent a major component of
advanced-level nursing education programs. Specialty competencies complement and build
upon the Level 2 sub-competencies. All graduates of an advanced nursing education program
are prepared and eligible for national, advanced nursing practice specialty certification or
advanced nursing practice role certification when available. It is noteworthy that specialties
evolve over time and new specialties may emerge.
All DNP programs (post-baccalaureate and post-master’s) demonstrate that graduates attain
and integrate Level 2 sub-competencies and competencies for at least one advanced nursing
practice specialty or advanced nursing practice role.
Individuals should seek to advance disciplinary expertise in a chosen nursing specialty or
advanced nursing practice role. This expertise is critical to advancing the profession, to expand
the influence of the profession for the transformation of health care, and to ensure an informed
disciplinary perspective for teaching in the discipline. Advancing education in nursing with
the emphasis on teaching and learning alone does not fulfill the achievement of disciplinary
expertise. Excellence as an educator is achieved by the collective enterprise for faculty teaching
and learning afforded by institutions and applied to discipline-specific teaching.
Advanced Level Practicum Experiences
Advanced-level nursing education programs provide rich and varied opportunities for practice
experiences (both direct and indirect care experiences) to prepare graduates with the Level
2 sub-competencies as well as applicable advanced nursing practice specialty/advanced
nursing practice role competencies and requirements. Practice experiences build on Level 1
sub-competency achievement and are designed to assist the graduate to achieve Level 2 subcompetencies and applicable specialty competencies upon completion of the program. Practice
experiences are required to integrate didactic learning, promote innovative thinking, and test
new potential solutions to clinical practice or system issues. Therefore, the development of new
skills and practice expectations can be facilitated through use of creative learning opportunities
in diverse settings.
All graduates of advanced-level nursing education programs have structured, faculty-designed
practice experiences, which may include precepted experiences with faculty oversight and/or
experiences with direct faculty supervision. The program is responsible for providing sufficient
and appropriate clinical sites/placements for students to demonstrate attainment of Level 2
sub-competencies and applicable specialty competencies. Clinical/practice learning experiences
may be accomplished through diverse methodologies, including simulation and virtual
technology, and assist the graduate to develop greater proficiency in these competencies,
including cognitive, psychomotor, and affective competencies. Use of simulation should align
with specialty requirements.