参考資料6_THE ESSENTIALS: CORE COMPETENCIES FOR PROFESSIONAL NURSING EDUCATION (2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing) (17 ページ)
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出典情報 | 看護学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラムの改訂に関する連絡調整委員会(第1回 7/19)《文部科学省》 |
© 2021 American Association of Colleges of Nursing. All rights reserved.
The featured concepts found within the Essentials are not of ‘lesser importance’ than a domain.
Each of these concepts serves as a core component of knowledge, facts, and skills across
multiple situations and contexts within nursing practice. Each concept functions as a hub for
transferable knowledge, thus enhancing learning when learners make cognitive links to other
information through mental constructs. The integration of concepts within the competencies
and sub-competencies is essential for the application throughout the educational experience. As
an example, can you imagine delivering person-centered care without also considering diversity,
equity, and inclusion? Can you imagine having a conversation about population health without
considering ethics and health policy? These concepts truly are interrelated and interwoven
within the domains and competencies, serving as a foundation to students’ learning. The
featured concepts are:
Clinical Judgment
As one of the key attributes of professional nursing, clinical judgment refers to the
process by which nurses make decisions based on nursing knowledge (evidence,
theories, ways/patterns of knowing), other disciplinary knowledge, critical thinking,
and clinical reasoning (Manetti, 2019). This process is used to understand and interpret
information in the delivery of care. Clinical decision making based on clinical judgment
is directly related to care outcomes.
Communication, informed by nursing and other theories, is a central component in all
areas of nursing practice. Communication is defined as an exchange of information,
thoughts, and feelings through a variety of mechanisms. The definition encompasses
the various ways people interact with each other, including verbal, written, behavioral,
body language, touch, and emotion. Communication also includes intentionality,
mutuality, partnerships, trust, and presence. Effective communication between nurses
and individuals and between nurses and other health professionals is necessary for
the delivery of high quality, individualized nursing care. With increasing frequency,
communication is delivered through technological modalities. Communication also is a
core component of team-based, interprofessional care and closely interrelated with the
concept Social Determinants of Health (described below).
Compassionate Care
As an essential principle of person-centered care, compassionate care refers to the
way nurses relate to others as human beings and involves “noticing another person’s
vulnerability, experiencing an emotional reaction to this, and acting in some way with
them in a way that is meaningful for people” (Murray & Tuqiri, 2020). Compassionate
care is interrelated with other concepts such as caring, empathy, and respect and is
also closely associated with patient satisfaction.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Collectively, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) refers to a broad range of individual,
population, and social constructs and is adapted in the Essentials as one of the most
visible concepts. Although these are collectively considered a concept, differentiation
of each conceptual element leads to enhanced understanding.
The featured concepts found within the Essentials are not of ‘lesser importance’ than a domain.
Each of these concepts serves as a core component of knowledge, facts, and skills across
multiple situations and contexts within nursing practice. Each concept functions as a hub for
transferable knowledge, thus enhancing learning when learners make cognitive links to other
information through mental constructs. The integration of concepts within the competencies
and sub-competencies is essential for the application throughout the educational experience. As
an example, can you imagine delivering person-centered care without also considering diversity,
equity, and inclusion? Can you imagine having a conversation about population health without
considering ethics and health policy? These concepts truly are interrelated and interwoven
within the domains and competencies, serving as a foundation to students’ learning. The
featured concepts are:
Clinical Judgment
As one of the key attributes of professional nursing, clinical judgment refers to the
process by which nurses make decisions based on nursing knowledge (evidence,
theories, ways/patterns of knowing), other disciplinary knowledge, critical thinking,
and clinical reasoning (Manetti, 2019). This process is used to understand and interpret
information in the delivery of care. Clinical decision making based on clinical judgment
is directly related to care outcomes.
Communication, informed by nursing and other theories, is a central component in all
areas of nursing practice. Communication is defined as an exchange of information,
thoughts, and feelings through a variety of mechanisms. The definition encompasses
the various ways people interact with each other, including verbal, written, behavioral,
body language, touch, and emotion. Communication also includes intentionality,
mutuality, partnerships, trust, and presence. Effective communication between nurses
and individuals and between nurses and other health professionals is necessary for
the delivery of high quality, individualized nursing care. With increasing frequency,
communication is delivered through technological modalities. Communication also is a
core component of team-based, interprofessional care and closely interrelated with the
concept Social Determinants of Health (described below).
Compassionate Care
As an essential principle of person-centered care, compassionate care refers to the
way nurses relate to others as human beings and involves “noticing another person’s
vulnerability, experiencing an emotional reaction to this, and acting in some way with
them in a way that is meaningful for people” (Murray & Tuqiri, 2020). Compassionate
care is interrelated with other concepts such as caring, empathy, and respect and is
also closely associated with patient satisfaction.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Collectively, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) refers to a broad range of individual,
population, and social constructs and is adapted in the Essentials as one of the most
visible concepts. Although these are collectively considered a concept, differentiation
of each conceptual element leads to enhanced understanding.