【参考資料1】H27-29研究計画書(祖父江班) (10 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_35321.html |
出典情報 | 医薬品等行政評価・監視委員会(第13回 9/20)《厚生労働省》 |
1. Sobue T. Cancer registration system: an introduction. Int J Clin Oncol. 2015 Feb;20(1):34.
2. Matsuda T, Sobue T. Recent trends in population-based cancer registries in Japan: the A
ct on Promotion of Cancer Registries and drastic changes in the historical registry. Int J Cl
in Oncol. 2015 Feb;20(1):11-20.
3. Ueda Y, Sobue T, Morimoto A, Egawa-Takata T, Hashizume C, Kishida H, Okamoto S,
Yoshino K, Fujita M, Enomoto T, Tomine Y, Fukuyoshi J, Kimura T. Evaluation of a FreeCoupon Program for Cervical Cancer Screening Among the Young: A Nationally Funded Pro
gram Conducted by a Local Government in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2015 Jan 5;25(1):50
4. Saika K, Matsuda T, Sobue T. Incidence rate of thyroid cancer by histological type in Ja
pan. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2014 Nov;44(11):1131-2.
5. Yako-Suketomo H, Katanoda K, Sobue T, Imai H. Practical use of cancer control promote
rs in municipalities in Japan. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014;15(19):8239-44.
6. Tamaki T, Dong Y, Ohno Y, Sobue T, Nishimoto H, Shibata A. The burden of rare cance
r in Japan: application of the RARECARE definition. Cancer Epidemiol. 2014 Oct;38(5):4905.
7. Chihara D, Ito H, Katanoda K, Shibata A, Matsuda T, Sobue T, Matsuo K. Incidence of
myelodysplastic syndrome in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2014 Nov 5;24(6):469-73.
8. Morimoto A, Ueda Y, Egawa-Takata T, Yagi A, Terai Y, Ohmichi M, Ichimura T, Sumi
T, Murata H, Kanzaki H, Nakai H, Mandai M, Yoshino K, Fujita M, Kimura T, Saito J, S
obue T, Nishikawa N, Sekine M, Enomoto T, Horikoshi Y, Takagi T. Effect on HPV vaccina
tion in Japan resulting from news report of adverse events and suspension of governmental
recommendation for HPV vaccination. Int J Clin Oncol. 2014 Jul 9.
9. Nishino Y, Tsuji I, Tanaka H, Nakayama T, Nakatsuka H, Ito H, Suzuki T, Katanoda
K, Sobue T, Tominaga S; Three-Prefecture Cohort Study Group. Stroke mortality associated
with environmental tobacco smoke among never-smoking Japanese women: a prospective co
hort study. Prev Med. 2014 Oct;67:41-5.
10. Nakamura F, Higashi T, Saruki N, Fukuhara S, Sobue T. Understanding by the genera
l public of newspaper reports on publicly reported cancer survival in Japan: a randomized c
ontrolled trial. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2014 Jul;44(7):651-60.
11. Utada M, Ohno Y, Tamaki T, Sobue T, Endo G. Long-term trends in incidence and mor
tality of intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile duct cancer in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2014;24(3):19
12. Matsuda A, Matsuda T, Shibata A, Katanoda K, Sobue T, Nishimoto H; Japan Cancer
Surveillance Research Group. Cancer incidence and incidence rates in Japan in 2008: a stu
dy of 25 population-based cancer registries for the Monitoring of Cancer Incidence in Japan
(MCIJ) project. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2014 Apr;44(4):388-96.
13. Ishida T, Suzuki A, Kawai M, Narikawa Y, Saito H, Yamamoto S, Tohno E, Sobue T,
Fukuda M, Ohuchi N. A randomized controlled trial to verify the efficacy of the use of ultr
asonography in breast cancer screening aged 40-49 (J-START): 76 196 women registered. Jp
n J Clin Oncol. 2014 Feb;44(2):134-40.
1. Sobue T. Cancer registration system: an introduction. Int J Clin Oncol. 2015 Feb;20(1):34.
2. Matsuda T, Sobue T. Recent trends in population-based cancer registries in Japan: the A
ct on Promotion of Cancer Registries and drastic changes in the historical registry. Int J Cl
in Oncol. 2015 Feb;20(1):11-20.
3. Ueda Y, Sobue T, Morimoto A, Egawa-Takata T, Hashizume C, Kishida H, Okamoto S,
Yoshino K, Fujita M, Enomoto T, Tomine Y, Fukuyoshi J, Kimura T. Evaluation of a FreeCoupon Program for Cervical Cancer Screening Among the Young: A Nationally Funded Pro
gram Conducted by a Local Government in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2015 Jan 5;25(1):50
4. Saika K, Matsuda T, Sobue T. Incidence rate of thyroid cancer by histological type in Ja
pan. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2014 Nov;44(11):1131-2.
5. Yako-Suketomo H, Katanoda K, Sobue T, Imai H. Practical use of cancer control promote
rs in municipalities in Japan. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014;15(19):8239-44.
6. Tamaki T, Dong Y, Ohno Y, Sobue T, Nishimoto H, Shibata A. The burden of rare cance
r in Japan: application of the RARECARE definition. Cancer Epidemiol. 2014 Oct;38(5):4905.
7. Chihara D, Ito H, Katanoda K, Shibata A, Matsuda T, Sobue T, Matsuo K. Incidence of
myelodysplastic syndrome in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2014 Nov 5;24(6):469-73.
8. Morimoto A, Ueda Y, Egawa-Takata T, Yagi A, Terai Y, Ohmichi M, Ichimura T, Sumi
T, Murata H, Kanzaki H, Nakai H, Mandai M, Yoshino K, Fujita M, Kimura T, Saito J, S
obue T, Nishikawa N, Sekine M, Enomoto T, Horikoshi Y, Takagi T. Effect on HPV vaccina
tion in Japan resulting from news report of adverse events and suspension of governmental
recommendation for HPV vaccination. Int J Clin Oncol. 2014 Jul 9.
9. Nishino Y, Tsuji I, Tanaka H, Nakayama T, Nakatsuka H, Ito H, Suzuki T, Katanoda
K, Sobue T, Tominaga S; Three-Prefecture Cohort Study Group. Stroke mortality associated
with environmental tobacco smoke among never-smoking Japanese women: a prospective co
hort study. Prev Med. 2014 Oct;67:41-5.
10. Nakamura F, Higashi T, Saruki N, Fukuhara S, Sobue T. Understanding by the genera
l public of newspaper reports on publicly reported cancer survival in Japan: a randomized c
ontrolled trial. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2014 Jul;44(7):651-60.
11. Utada M, Ohno Y, Tamaki T, Sobue T, Endo G. Long-term trends in incidence and mor
tality of intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile duct cancer in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2014;24(3):19
12. Matsuda A, Matsuda T, Shibata A, Katanoda K, Sobue T, Nishimoto H; Japan Cancer
Surveillance Research Group. Cancer incidence and incidence rates in Japan in 2008: a stu
dy of 25 population-based cancer registries for the Monitoring of Cancer Incidence in Japan
(MCIJ) project. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2014 Apr;44(4):388-96.
13. Ishida T, Suzuki A, Kawai M, Narikawa Y, Saito H, Yamamoto S, Tohno E, Sobue T,
Fukuda M, Ohuchi N. A randomized controlled trial to verify the efficacy of the use of ultr
asonography in breast cancer screening aged 40-49 (J-START): 76 196 women registered. Jp
n J Clin Oncol. 2014 Feb;44(2):134-40.