【参考資料1】H27-29研究計画書(祖父江班) (11 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_35321.html |
出典情報 | 医薬品等行政評価・監視委員会(第13回 9/20)《厚生労働省》 |
14. Katanoda K, Kamo K, Saika K, Matsuda T, Shibata A, Matsuda A, Nishino Y, Hattori
M, Soda M, Ioka A, Sobue T, Nishimoto H. Short-term projection of cancer incidence in Ja
pan using an age-period interaction model with spline smoothing. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2014 J
15. Iwanaga M, Chiang CJ, Soda M, Lai MS, Yang YW, Miyazaki Y, Matsuo K, Matsuda
T, Sobue T. Incidence of lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma/Waldenström's macroglobulinaemia in
Japan and Taiwan population-based cancer registries, 1996-2003. Int J Cancer. 2014 Jan
16.Chihara D, Ito H, Matsuda T, Katanoda K, Shibata A, Taniguchi S, Utsunomiya A, Sob
ue T, Matsuo K. Association between decreasing trend in the mortality of adult T-cell leuke
mia/lymphoma and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplants in Japan: analysis of Japa
nese vital statistics and Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (JSHCT). Blo
od Cancer J. 2013 Nov 15;3:e159. doi:10.1038/bcj.2013.
17.Higashi T, Nakamura F, Shimada Y, Shinkai T, Muranaka T, Kamiike W, Mekata E, K
ondo K, Wada Y, Sakai H, Ohtani M, Yamaguchi T, Sugiura N, Higashide S, Haga Y, Kino
shita A, Yamamoto T, Ezaki T, Hanada S, Makita F, Sobue T, Okamura T. Quality of gast
ric cancer care in designated cancer care hospitals in Japan. Int J Qual Health Care. 2013;
18.Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Matsuda A, Shibata A, Nishino Y, Fujita M, Soda M, Ioka A,
Sobue T, Nishimoto H. An updated report of the trends in cancer incidence and mortality i
n Japan. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013;43(5):492-507.
19.Higashi T, Nakamura F, Saruki N, Sobue T. Establishing a quality measurement system
for cancer care in Japan. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013;43(3):225-32.
20.Higashi T, Nakamura F, Saruki N, Takegami M, Hosokawa T, Fukuhara S, Nakayama
T, Sobue T. Evaluation of newspaper articles for coverage of public reporting data: a case s
tudy of unadjusted cancer survival data. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013;43(1):95-100.
21.Matsubara H, Hayashi K, Sobue T, Mizunuma H, Suzuki S. Association between cancer
screening behavior and family history among Japanese women. Prev Med. 2013;56(5):293-8.
22.Matsuda A, Matsuda T, Shibata A, Katanoda K, Sobue T, Nishimoto H; Japan Cancer S
urveillance Research Group. Cancer incidence and incidence rates in Japan in 2007: a study
of 21 population-based cancer registries for the Monitoring of Cancer Incidence in Japan
(MCIJ) project. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013;43(3):328-36.
23.Zhang X, Sobue T, Isshiki M, Makino S, Inoue M, Kato K, Shioda T, Ohashi T, Sato H,
Komano J, Hanabusa H, Shida H. Elicitation of both anti HIV-1 Env humoral and cellular
immunities by replicating vaccinia prime Sendai virus boost regimen and boosting by CD4
0Lm. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e51633.
24.Sagawa M, Nakayama T, Tanaka M, Sakuma T, Sobue T; The JECS Study Group. A Ra
ndomized Controlled Trial on the Efficacy of Thoracic CT Screening for Lung Cancer in No
n-smokers and Smokers of <30 Pack-years Aged 50-64 Years (JECS Study): Research Desig
n. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2012;42(12):1219-1221.
25.Chihara D, Ito H, Matsuda T, Katanoda K, Shibata A, Saika K, Sobue T, Matsuo K. De
creasing trend in mortality of chronic myelogenous leukemia patients after introduction of i
matinib in Japan and the u.s. Oncologist. 2012;17(12):1547-50.
26.Chihara D, Ito H, Katanoda K, Shibata A, Matsuda T, Tajima K, Sobue T, Matsuo K. I
ncrease in incidence of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma in non-endemic areas of Japan and
外国への日本人研究者派遣事業 若手研究者育成活用事業
Cancer Sci. 2012;103(10):1857-60.
27.McCarthy BJ, Shibui S, Kayama T, Miyaoka E, Narita Y, Murakami M, Matsuda A, Ma
Sobue T, Palis BE, Dolecek
HH, Villano JL. Primary
平成 T, 年度
名 TA, Kruchko C, Engelhard名
NS germ cell tumors in Japan and the United States: an analysis of 4 tumor registries. Ne
2012;14(9):1194-200. 名
28.Matsuda T, Marugame T, Kamo K, Katanoda K, Ajiki W, Sobue T; Japan Cancer Survei
平成 Research
Group. Cancer incidence
and incidence rates in 名
Japan in 2006: based on名da
ta from 15 population-based cancer registries in the monitoring of cancer incidence in Japa
n (MCIJ) project. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2012;42(2):139-47.
29.Katanoda K, Ajiki W, Matsuda T, Nishino Y, Shibata A, Fujita M, Tsukuma H, Ioka A,
Soda M, Sobue T. Trend analysis of cancer incidence in Japan using data from selected pop
ulation-based cancer registries. Cancer Sci. 2012;103(2):360-8.
30.Ikeda N, Inoue M, Iso H, Ikeda S, Satoh T, Noda M, Mizoue T, Imano H, Saito E, Kata
noda K, Sobue T, Tsugane S, Naghavi M, Ezzati M, Shibuya K. Adult mortality attributabl
M, Soda M, Ioka A, Sobue T, Nishimoto H. Short-term projection of cancer incidence in Ja
pan using an age-period interaction model with spline smoothing. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2014 J
15. Iwanaga M, Chiang CJ, Soda M, Lai MS, Yang YW, Miyazaki Y, Matsuo K, Matsuda
T, Sobue T. Incidence of lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma/Waldenström's macroglobulinaemia in
Japan and Taiwan population-based cancer registries, 1996-2003. Int J Cancer. 2014 Jan
16.Chihara D, Ito H, Matsuda T, Katanoda K, Shibata A, Taniguchi S, Utsunomiya A, Sob
ue T, Matsuo K. Association between decreasing trend in the mortality of adult T-cell leuke
mia/lymphoma and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplants in Japan: analysis of Japa
nese vital statistics and Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (JSHCT). Blo
od Cancer J. 2013 Nov 15;3:e159. doi:10.1038/bcj.2013.
17.Higashi T, Nakamura F, Shimada Y, Shinkai T, Muranaka T, Kamiike W, Mekata E, K
ondo K, Wada Y, Sakai H, Ohtani M, Yamaguchi T, Sugiura N, Higashide S, Haga Y, Kino
shita A, Yamamoto T, Ezaki T, Hanada S, Makita F, Sobue T, Okamura T. Quality of gast
ric cancer care in designated cancer care hospitals in Japan. Int J Qual Health Care. 2013;
18.Katanoda K, Matsuda T, Matsuda A, Shibata A, Nishino Y, Fujita M, Soda M, Ioka A,
Sobue T, Nishimoto H. An updated report of the trends in cancer incidence and mortality i
n Japan. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013;43(5):492-507.
19.Higashi T, Nakamura F, Saruki N, Sobue T. Establishing a quality measurement system
for cancer care in Japan. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013;43(3):225-32.
20.Higashi T, Nakamura F, Saruki N, Takegami M, Hosokawa T, Fukuhara S, Nakayama
T, Sobue T. Evaluation of newspaper articles for coverage of public reporting data: a case s
tudy of unadjusted cancer survival data. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013;43(1):95-100.
21.Matsubara H, Hayashi K, Sobue T, Mizunuma H, Suzuki S. Association between cancer
screening behavior and family history among Japanese women. Prev Med. 2013;56(5):293-8.
22.Matsuda A, Matsuda T, Shibata A, Katanoda K, Sobue T, Nishimoto H; Japan Cancer S
urveillance Research Group. Cancer incidence and incidence rates in Japan in 2007: a study
of 21 population-based cancer registries for the Monitoring of Cancer Incidence in Japan
(MCIJ) project. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2013;43(3):328-36.
23.Zhang X, Sobue T, Isshiki M, Makino S, Inoue M, Kato K, Shioda T, Ohashi T, Sato H,
Komano J, Hanabusa H, Shida H. Elicitation of both anti HIV-1 Env humoral and cellular
immunities by replicating vaccinia prime Sendai virus boost regimen and boosting by CD4
0Lm. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e51633.
24.Sagawa M, Nakayama T, Tanaka M, Sakuma T, Sobue T; The JECS Study Group. A Ra
ndomized Controlled Trial on the Efficacy of Thoracic CT Screening for Lung Cancer in No
n-smokers and Smokers of <30 Pack-years Aged 50-64 Years (JECS Study): Research Desig
n. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2012;42(12):1219-1221.
25.Chihara D, Ito H, Matsuda T, Katanoda K, Shibata A, Saika K, Sobue T, Matsuo K. De
creasing trend in mortality of chronic myelogenous leukemia patients after introduction of i
matinib in Japan and the u.s. Oncologist. 2012;17(12):1547-50.
26.Chihara D, Ito H, Katanoda K, Shibata A, Matsuda T, Tajima K, Sobue T, Matsuo K. I
ncrease in incidence of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma in non-endemic areas of Japan and
外国への日本人研究者派遣事業 若手研究者育成活用事業
Cancer Sci. 2012;103(10):1857-60.
27.McCarthy BJ, Shibui S, Kayama T, Miyaoka E, Narita Y, Murakami M, Matsuda A, Ma
Sobue T, Palis BE, Dolecek
HH, Villano JL. Primary
平成 T, 年度
名 TA, Kruchko C, Engelhard名
NS germ cell tumors in Japan and the United States: an analysis of 4 tumor registries. Ne
2012;14(9):1194-200. 名
28.Matsuda T, Marugame T, Kamo K, Katanoda K, Ajiki W, Sobue T; Japan Cancer Survei
平成 Research
Group. Cancer incidence
and incidence rates in 名
Japan in 2006: based on名da
ta from 15 population-based cancer registries in the monitoring of cancer incidence in Japa
n (MCIJ) project. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2012;42(2):139-47.
29.Katanoda K, Ajiki W, Matsuda T, Nishino Y, Shibata A, Fujita M, Tsukuma H, Ioka A,
Soda M, Sobue T. Trend analysis of cancer incidence in Japan using data from selected pop
ulation-based cancer registries. Cancer Sci. 2012;103(2):360-8.
30.Ikeda N, Inoue M, Iso H, Ikeda S, Satoh T, Noda M, Mizoue T, Imano H, Saito E, Kata
noda K, Sobue T, Tsugane S, Naghavi M, Ezzati M, Shibuya K. Adult mortality attributabl