07 参考資料2-1 帯状疱疹ワクチン ファクトシート (45 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_36248.html |
出典情報 | 厚生科学審議会 予防接種・ワクチン分科会 予防接種基本方針部会 ワクチン評価に関する小委員会(第21回 11/9)《厚生労働省》 |
32. Minassian
C, Thomas
SL, Smeeth
L, Douglas
I, Brauer
R, Langan
Cardiovascular Events after Herpes Zoster: A self-controlled case series analysis in
vaccinated and unvaccinated older residents of the United States. PLoS Med 2015; 12:
33. Nagel MA, Cohrs RJ, Mahalingam R, Wellish MC, Forghani B, Schiller A, Safdieh JE,
Kamenkovich E, Ostrow LW, Levy M, Greenberg B, Russman AN, Katzan I, Gardner CJ,
Häusler M, Nau R, Saraya T, Wada H, Goto H, de Martino M, Ueno M, Brown WD,
Terborg C, Gilden DH. The varicella zoster virus vasculopathies: clinical, CSF, imaging,
and virologic features. Neurol 2008; 70(11): 853-60.
34. Nagel MA, Gilden D. Neurological complications of varicella zoster virus reactivation.
Curr Opin Neurol 2014; 27: 356-60.
35. 中野貴司.免疫不全宿主の重症水痘―原因不明の激しい腹痛・腰背部痛には要注意.
IASR 2013; 34: 290-2.
36. Doki N, Miyawaki S, Tanaka M, Kudo D, Wake A, Oshima K, Fujita H, Uehara T, Hyo
R, Mori T, Takahashi S, Okamoto S, Sakamaki H; Kanto Study Group for Cell Therapy.
Visceral varicella zoster virus infection after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Transpl
Infect Dis 2013; 15: 314-8.
37. Seward JF, Zhang JX, Maupin TJ, Mascola L, Jumaan AO. Contagiousness of varicella in
vaccinated cases: a household contact study. JAMA 2004; 292: 704-8.
38. Jumaan A. Lavanchy D. CHICKENPOX/HERPES ZOSTER. Control of Communicable
Diseases Manual. Heymann, DL. edt. APHA 2008; 109-16.
39. Mehta SK, Tyring SK, Cohrs RJ, Gilden D, Feiveson AH, Lechler KJ, Pierson DL. Rapid
and sensitive detection of varicella zoster virus in saliva of patients with herpes zoster. J
Virol Methods 2013; 193: 128-30.
40. Birlea M, Cohrs RJ, Bos N, Mehta SK, Pierson DL, Gilden D. Search for varicella zoster
virus DNA in saliva of healthy individuals aged 20-59 years. J Med Virol 2014; 86:
41. Mehta SK, Tyring SK, Gilden DH, Cohrs RJ, Leal MJ, Castro VA, Feiveson AH, Ott
CM, Pierson DL. Varicella-zoster virus in the saliva of patients with herpes zoster. J Infect
Dis 2008; 197: 654-7.
42. Suzuki K, Yoshikawa T, Tomitaka A, Matsunaga K, Asano Y. Detection of aerosolized
varicella-zoster virus DNA in patients with localized herpes zoster.J Infect Dis 2004;
43. 清水宏.帯状疱疹,丹毒.あたらしい皮膚科学
第 2 版.2011; 468-70, 490-1.
44. 国 立 感 染 症 研 究 所 . 病 原 体 検 出 マ ニ ュ ア ル 「 水 痘 ・ 帯 状 疱 疹 ウ イ ル ス 」 .
C, Thomas
SL, Smeeth
L, Douglas
I, Brauer
R, Langan
Cardiovascular Events after Herpes Zoster: A self-controlled case series analysis in
vaccinated and unvaccinated older residents of the United States. PLoS Med 2015; 12:
33. Nagel MA, Cohrs RJ, Mahalingam R, Wellish MC, Forghani B, Schiller A, Safdieh JE,
Kamenkovich E, Ostrow LW, Levy M, Greenberg B, Russman AN, Katzan I, Gardner CJ,
Häusler M, Nau R, Saraya T, Wada H, Goto H, de Martino M, Ueno M, Brown WD,
Terborg C, Gilden DH. The varicella zoster virus vasculopathies: clinical, CSF, imaging,
and virologic features. Neurol 2008; 70(11): 853-60.
34. Nagel MA, Gilden D. Neurological complications of varicella zoster virus reactivation.
Curr Opin Neurol 2014; 27: 356-60.
35. 中野貴司.免疫不全宿主の重症水痘―原因不明の激しい腹痛・腰背部痛には要注意.
IASR 2013; 34: 290-2.
36. Doki N, Miyawaki S, Tanaka M, Kudo D, Wake A, Oshima K, Fujita H, Uehara T, Hyo
R, Mori T, Takahashi S, Okamoto S, Sakamaki H; Kanto Study Group for Cell Therapy.
Visceral varicella zoster virus infection after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Transpl
Infect Dis 2013; 15: 314-8.
37. Seward JF, Zhang JX, Maupin TJ, Mascola L, Jumaan AO. Contagiousness of varicella in
vaccinated cases: a household contact study. JAMA 2004; 292: 704-8.
38. Jumaan A. Lavanchy D. CHICKENPOX/HERPES ZOSTER. Control of Communicable
Diseases Manual. Heymann, DL. edt. APHA 2008; 109-16.
39. Mehta SK, Tyring SK, Cohrs RJ, Gilden D, Feiveson AH, Lechler KJ, Pierson DL. Rapid
and sensitive detection of varicella zoster virus in saliva of patients with herpes zoster. J
Virol Methods 2013; 193: 128-30.
40. Birlea M, Cohrs RJ, Bos N, Mehta SK, Pierson DL, Gilden D. Search for varicella zoster
virus DNA in saliva of healthy individuals aged 20-59 years. J Med Virol 2014; 86:
41. Mehta SK, Tyring SK, Gilden DH, Cohrs RJ, Leal MJ, Castro VA, Feiveson AH, Ott
CM, Pierson DL. Varicella-zoster virus in the saliva of patients with herpes zoster. J Infect
Dis 2008; 197: 654-7.
42. Suzuki K, Yoshikawa T, Tomitaka A, Matsunaga K, Asano Y. Detection of aerosolized
varicella-zoster virus DNA in patients with localized herpes zoster.J Infect Dis 2004;
43. 清水宏.帯状疱疹,丹毒.あたらしい皮膚科学
第 2 版.2011; 468-70, 490-1.
44. 国 立 感 染 症 研 究 所 . 病 原 体 検 出 マ ニ ュ ア ル 「 水 痘 ・ 帯 状 疱 疹 ウ イ ル ス 」 .