別紙4○先進医療Bに係る新規技術の科学的評価等について (34 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/shingi2/0000205617_00066.html |
出典情報 | 先進医療会議(第129回 2/8)《厚生労働省》 |
は医師主導治験「NRG1 融合遺伝子を有する進行固形癌患者に対するアファチニブマレイン酸塩
・ Yamaguchi J, Yokoyama Y, Fujii T, Yamada S, Takami H, Kawashima H, Ohno E, Ishikawa T, Maeda
O, Ogawa H, Kodera Y, Nagino M, Ebata T. Results of a Phase II Study on the Use of Neoadjuvant
Chemotherapy (FOLFIRINOX or GEM/nab-PTX) for Borderline-resectable Pancreatic Cancer (NUPAT01). Ann Surg. 275(6): 1043-1049, 2022
・ Morita S, Minami H, Mitsuma A, Toyoda M, Kiyota N, Ando Y. A phase I study of LCL161, a novel oral
pan-inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) antagonist, in Japanese patients with advanced solid tumors. Asia
Pac J Clin Oncol. 18(5): e427-e434, 2022
・ Mizutani Y, Iida T, Ohno E, Ishikawa T, Kinoshita F, Kuwatsuka Y, Imai M, Shimizu S, Tsuruta T,
Enomoto S, Kawashima H, Fujishiro M. Safety and efficacy of MIKE-1 in patients with advanced
pancreatic cancer: a study protocol for an open-label phase I/II investigator-initiated clinical trial based
on a drug repositioning approach that reprograms the tumour stroma. BMC Cancer. 22(1): 205, 2022.
・ Maeda O, Matsuoka A, Yanagawa M, Muroyama Y, Watanabe K, Liang Y, Ishikawa T, Ohno E,
Kawashima H, Umegaki H, Kuzuya M, Ando Y. Selection of chemotherapy for older patients with
pancreatic cancer based on geriatric assessment. J Geriatr Oncol. 13(8): 1260-1263, 2022
・ Maeda O, Fukaya M, Koike M, Miyata K, Kanda M, Nishida K, Ando M, Kodera Y, Ando Y.
Preoperative docetaxel, cisplatin, and fluorouracil treatment with pegfilgrastim on day 7 for patients with
esophageal cancer: A phase II study. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 18(6): 578-585, 2022
・ Yamada K, Sawada T, Nakamura M, Yamamura T, Maeda K, Ishikawa E, Iida T, Mizutani Y, Kakushima
N, Ishikawa T, Furukawa K, Ohno E, Honda T, Kawashima H, Ishigami M, Furune S, Hase T, Yokota
K, Maeda O, Hashimoto N, Akiyama M, Ando Y, Fujishiro M. Clinical characteristics of gastrointestinal
immune-related adverse events of immune checkpoint inhibitors and their association with survival.
World J Gastroenterol. 27(41): 7190-7206, 2021
・ Schöffski P, Concin N, Suarez C, Subbiah V, Ando Y, Ruan S, Wagner JP, Mansfield K, Zhu X, Origuchi
S, DiDominick S, Bialucha CU, Faris JE, Tran B. A Phase 1 Study of a CDH6-Targeting Antibody-Drug
Conjugate in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors with Evaluation of Inflammatory and Neurological
Adverse Events. Oncol Res Treat. 44(10): 547-556, 2021
・ Minami H, Doi T, Toyoda M, Imamura Y, Kiyota N, Mitsuma A, Shimokata T, Naito Y, Matsubara N,
Tajima T, Tokushige K, Ishihara K, Cameron S, Ando Y. Phase I study of the antiprogrammed cell death1 Ab spartalizumab (PDR001) in Japanese patients with advanced malignancies. Cancer Sci. 112(2): 725733, 2021
・ Wick A, Bähr O, Schuler M, Rohrberg K, Chawla SP, Janku F, Schiff D, Heinemann V, Narita Y, Lenz
HJ, Ikeda M, Ando Y, Wick W, Steinbach JP, Burger MC, Wenger K, Lassen U, Sankhala KK, Roggia
C, Genvresse I, Munhoz C, Rentzsch C, Reschke S, Langer S, Wagner M, Kaulfuss S, Cai C, Lagkadinou
E, Jeffers M, Peña C, Tabatabai G. Phase I Assessment of Safety and Therapeutic Activity of
は医師主導治験「NRG1 融合遺伝子を有する進行固形癌患者に対するアファチニブマレイン酸塩
・ Yamaguchi J, Yokoyama Y, Fujii T, Yamada S, Takami H, Kawashima H, Ohno E, Ishikawa T, Maeda
O, Ogawa H, Kodera Y, Nagino M, Ebata T. Results of a Phase II Study on the Use of Neoadjuvant
Chemotherapy (FOLFIRINOX or GEM/nab-PTX) for Borderline-resectable Pancreatic Cancer (NUPAT01). Ann Surg. 275(6): 1043-1049, 2022
・ Morita S, Minami H, Mitsuma A, Toyoda M, Kiyota N, Ando Y. A phase I study of LCL161, a novel oral
pan-inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) antagonist, in Japanese patients with advanced solid tumors. Asia
Pac J Clin Oncol. 18(5): e427-e434, 2022
・ Mizutani Y, Iida T, Ohno E, Ishikawa T, Kinoshita F, Kuwatsuka Y, Imai M, Shimizu S, Tsuruta T,
Enomoto S, Kawashima H, Fujishiro M. Safety and efficacy of MIKE-1 in patients with advanced
pancreatic cancer: a study protocol for an open-label phase I/II investigator-initiated clinical trial based
on a drug repositioning approach that reprograms the tumour stroma. BMC Cancer. 22(1): 205, 2022.
・ Maeda O, Matsuoka A, Yanagawa M, Muroyama Y, Watanabe K, Liang Y, Ishikawa T, Ohno E,
Kawashima H, Umegaki H, Kuzuya M, Ando Y. Selection of chemotherapy for older patients with
pancreatic cancer based on geriatric assessment. J Geriatr Oncol. 13(8): 1260-1263, 2022
・ Maeda O, Fukaya M, Koike M, Miyata K, Kanda M, Nishida K, Ando M, Kodera Y, Ando Y.
Preoperative docetaxel, cisplatin, and fluorouracil treatment with pegfilgrastim on day 7 for patients with
esophageal cancer: A phase II study. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 18(6): 578-585, 2022
・ Yamada K, Sawada T, Nakamura M, Yamamura T, Maeda K, Ishikawa E, Iida T, Mizutani Y, Kakushima
N, Ishikawa T, Furukawa K, Ohno E, Honda T, Kawashima H, Ishigami M, Furune S, Hase T, Yokota
K, Maeda O, Hashimoto N, Akiyama M, Ando Y, Fujishiro M. Clinical characteristics of gastrointestinal
immune-related adverse events of immune checkpoint inhibitors and their association with survival.
World J Gastroenterol. 27(41): 7190-7206, 2021
・ Schöffski P, Concin N, Suarez C, Subbiah V, Ando Y, Ruan S, Wagner JP, Mansfield K, Zhu X, Origuchi
S, DiDominick S, Bialucha CU, Faris JE, Tran B. A Phase 1 Study of a CDH6-Targeting Antibody-Drug
Conjugate in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors with Evaluation of Inflammatory and Neurological
Adverse Events. Oncol Res Treat. 44(10): 547-556, 2021
・ Minami H, Doi T, Toyoda M, Imamura Y, Kiyota N, Mitsuma A, Shimokata T, Naito Y, Matsubara N,
Tajima T, Tokushige K, Ishihara K, Cameron S, Ando Y. Phase I study of the antiprogrammed cell death1 Ab spartalizumab (PDR001) in Japanese patients with advanced malignancies. Cancer Sci. 112(2): 725733, 2021
・ Wick A, Bähr O, Schuler M, Rohrberg K, Chawla SP, Janku F, Schiff D, Heinemann V, Narita Y, Lenz
HJ, Ikeda M, Ando Y, Wick W, Steinbach JP, Burger MC, Wenger K, Lassen U, Sankhala KK, Roggia
C, Genvresse I, Munhoz C, Rentzsch C, Reschke S, Langer S, Wagner M, Kaulfuss S, Cai C, Lagkadinou
E, Jeffers M, Peña C, Tabatabai G. Phase I Assessment of Safety and Therapeutic Activity of