
MC plus(エムシープラス)は、診療報酬・介護報酬改定関連のニュース、


【参考資料3】【英版R4.1.17】Nippon AMR One Health Report (NAOR) 2020 (5 ページ)

公開元URL https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_23261.html
出典情報 国際的に脅威となる感染症対策関係閣僚会議 薬剤耐性ワンヘルス動向調査検討会(第9回  1/17)《厚生労働省》


Japan’s “National Action Plan on AMR 2016-2020” was published in April 2016, clearly indicating the
implementation of integrated one health surveillance regarding antimicrobial-resistant bacteria that are isolated
from humans, animals, food and the environment. This one health surveillance is endorsed as an important strategy
for correctly identifying the current status and issues related to AMR, which leads to promoting appropriate
national AMR policy. In presenting the results of this surveillance, this report aims to identify the current status
of and trends in antimicrobial-resistant bacteria and national antimicrobial use in the areas of human health,
animals, agriculture, food and the environment, with the objective of assessing measures to combat antimicrobialresistant bacteria and clarify challenges in this area.
We hope that this report would provide the first step for presenting Japan's effort to fight against AMR with
one health approach to both domestic and international stakeholders; moreover, related governmental agencies,
organizations/associations, academic societies and other entities, our intended target readers, are welcome to
utilize this report in order to accelerate and advance policy and research activities on AMR.