【別添】新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)診療の手引き 別冊 罹患後症状のマネジメント(第1版) (36 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000121431_00332.html |
出典情報 | 「新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)診療の手引き 別冊 罹患後症状のマネジメント(第1版)」の周知について(4/28付 事務連絡)《厚生労働省》 |
●新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19) 診療の手引き
罹患後症状のマネジメント・第1版 ●8 “ 痛み ” へのアプローチ
・Carfi A, et al. Persistent symptoms in patients after acute COVID-19. JAMA 324(6): 603-605,2020.
・Fernandez-de-Las-Penas C, et al. Myalgia as a symptom at hospital admission by severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 infection is associated with persistent musculoskeletal pain as long-term post-COVID
sequelae: a case-control study. Pain 162(12): 2832-2840, 2021.
・Weng L. et al. Pain Symptoms in Patients with Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19): A Literature Review. J Pain
Res. 14:147-159, 2021
・Cascella M. et al. COVID-Pain: Acute and Late-Onset Painful Clinical Manifestations in COVID-19 –Molecular
Mechanisms and Research Perspectives. J Pain Res. 14: 2403-2412, 2021
・Karaarslan F. Long COVID: rheumatologic/musculoskeletal symptoms in hospitalized COVID-19 survivors at 3 and
6 months. Clin Rheumatology 41: 289-296, 2022
・Soares FHC, et al. “Pain in the pandemic initiative collaborators”. Prevalence and characteristics of new-onset
pain in COVID-19 survivours, a controlled study. Eur J Pain 25(6): 1342-1354, 2021.
・The effectiveness of vaccination against long COVID. A rapid evidence briefing(https://ukhsa.koha-ptfs.co.uk/
罹患後症状のマネジメント・第1版 ●8 “ 痛み ” へのアプローチ
・Carfi A, et al. Persistent symptoms in patients after acute COVID-19. JAMA 324(6): 603-605,2020.
・Fernandez-de-Las-Penas C, et al. Myalgia as a symptom at hospital admission by severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 infection is associated with persistent musculoskeletal pain as long-term post-COVID
sequelae: a case-control study. Pain 162(12): 2832-2840, 2021.
・Weng L. et al. Pain Symptoms in Patients with Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19): A Literature Review. J Pain
Res. 14:147-159, 2021
・Cascella M. et al. COVID-Pain: Acute and Late-Onset Painful Clinical Manifestations in COVID-19 –Molecular
Mechanisms and Research Perspectives. J Pain Res. 14: 2403-2412, 2021
・Karaarslan F. Long COVID: rheumatologic/musculoskeletal symptoms in hospitalized COVID-19 survivors at 3 and
6 months. Clin Rheumatology 41: 289-296, 2022
・Soares FHC, et al. “Pain in the pandemic initiative collaborators”. Prevalence and characteristics of new-onset
pain in COVID-19 survivours, a controlled study. Eur J Pain 25(6): 1342-1354, 2021.
・The effectiveness of vaccination against long COVID. A rapid evidence briefing(https://ukhsa.koha-ptfs.co.uk/