【参考資料5】抗微生物薬適正使用の手引き 第三版 別冊 (39 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_45318.html |
出典情報 | 厚生科学審議会 感染症部会 薬剤耐性(AMR)に関する小委員会 抗微生物薬適正使用(AMS)等に関する作業部会(第6回 11/19)《厚生労働省》 |
44. Punjabi C, Tien V, Meng L, Deresinski S, Holubar M. Oral Fluoroquinolone or Trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole vs. ss-lactams as Step-Down Therapy for Enterobacteriaceae Bacteremia:
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2019 Aug;6(10):ofz364.
45. Tamma PD, Doi Y, Bonomo RA, Johnson JK, Simner PJ, Antibacterial Resistance Leadership
G. A Primer on AmpC beta-Lactamases: Necessary Knowledge for an Increasingly Multidrugresistant World. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Sep;69(8):1446-1455.
46. 西村翔. よくわかっているようでよくわかっていない AmpC のハナシ(1) J-IDEO Vol.1 No.3.
47. Kohlmann R, Bahr T, Gatermann SG. Species-specific mutation rates for ampC derepression
in Enterobacterales with chromosomally encoded inducible AmpC beta-lactamase. J
Antimicrob Chemother. 2018 Jun;73(6):1530-1536.
48. Tamma PD, Girdwood SC, Gopaul R. et al. The use of cefepime for treating AmpC betalactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae. Clin Infect Dis. 2013 Sep;57(6):781-788.
49. Stewart AG, Paterson DL, Young B. et al. Meropenem Versus Piperacillin-Tazobactam for
Definitive Treatment of Bloodstream Infections Caused by AmpC beta-Lactamase-Producing
Enterobacter spp, Citrobacter freundii, Morganella morganii, Providencia spp, or Serratia
marcescens: A Pilot Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial (MERINO-2). Open Forum
Infect Dis. 2021 Aug;8(8):ofab387.
50. Chaubey VP, Pitout JD, Dalton B, Gregson DB, Ross T, Laupland KB. Clinical and
microbiological characteristics of bloodstream infections due to AmpC beta-lactamase
producing Enterobacteriaceae: an active surveillance cohort in a large centralized Canadian
region. BMC Infect Dis. 2014 Dec;14:647.
51. Cheng L, Nelson BC, Mehta M. et al. Piperacillin-Tazobactam versus Other Antibacterial
Agents for Treatment of Bloodstream Infections Due to AmpC beta-Lactamase-Producing
Enterobacteriaceae. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017 May;61(6):e00276-17.
52. Meije Y, Pigrau C, Fernandez-Hidalgo N. et al. Non-intravenous carbapenem-sparing
antibiotics for definitive treatment of bacteraemia due to Enterobacteriaceae producing
extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) or AmpC beta-lactamase: A propensity score
study. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2019 Aug;54(2):189-196.
53. Maan G, Keitoku K, Kimura N. et al. Cefepime-induced neurotoxicity: systematic review. J
Antimicrob Chemother 2022 Oct;77(11):2908-2921.
54. Kunz Coyne AJ, El Ghali A, Lucas K, et al. High-dose Cefepime vs Carbapenems for
Bacteremia Caused by Enterobacterales With Moderate to High Risk of Clinically Significant
AmpC beta-lactamase Production. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2023 Jan;10(3):ofad034.
55. Tamma PD, Conley AT, Cosgrove SE. et al. Association of 30-Day Mortality With Oral StepDown vs Continued Intravenous Therapy in Patients Hospitalized With Enterobacteriaceae
Bacteremia. JAMA Intern Med. 2019 Mar;179(3):316-323.
56. 厚生労働省 カルバペネム耐性腸内細菌科細菌感染症. at
57. 国立感染症研究所 カルバペネム耐性腸内細菌目細菌(carbapenem-resistant
Enterobacterales: CRE)病原体サーベイランス, 2021 年 IASR Vol. 44 p130-131: 2023 年 8
月号. 2023. at https://www.niid.go.jp/niid/ja/cre-m/cre-iasrd/12223-522d03.htmljh.)
44. Punjabi C, Tien V, Meng L, Deresinski S, Holubar M. Oral Fluoroquinolone or Trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole vs. ss-lactams as Step-Down Therapy for Enterobacteriaceae Bacteremia:
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2019 Aug;6(10):ofz364.
45. Tamma PD, Doi Y, Bonomo RA, Johnson JK, Simner PJ, Antibacterial Resistance Leadership
G. A Primer on AmpC beta-Lactamases: Necessary Knowledge for an Increasingly Multidrugresistant World. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Sep;69(8):1446-1455.
46. 西村翔. よくわかっているようでよくわかっていない AmpC のハナシ(1) J-IDEO Vol.1 No.3.
47. Kohlmann R, Bahr T, Gatermann SG. Species-specific mutation rates for ampC derepression
in Enterobacterales with chromosomally encoded inducible AmpC beta-lactamase. J
Antimicrob Chemother. 2018 Jun;73(6):1530-1536.
48. Tamma PD, Girdwood SC, Gopaul R. et al. The use of cefepime for treating AmpC betalactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae. Clin Infect Dis. 2013 Sep;57(6):781-788.
49. Stewart AG, Paterson DL, Young B. et al. Meropenem Versus Piperacillin-Tazobactam for
Definitive Treatment of Bloodstream Infections Caused by AmpC beta-Lactamase-Producing
Enterobacter spp, Citrobacter freundii, Morganella morganii, Providencia spp, or Serratia
marcescens: A Pilot Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial (MERINO-2). Open Forum
Infect Dis. 2021 Aug;8(8):ofab387.
50. Chaubey VP, Pitout JD, Dalton B, Gregson DB, Ross T, Laupland KB. Clinical and
microbiological characteristics of bloodstream infections due to AmpC beta-lactamase
producing Enterobacteriaceae: an active surveillance cohort in a large centralized Canadian
region. BMC Infect Dis. 2014 Dec;14:647.
51. Cheng L, Nelson BC, Mehta M. et al. Piperacillin-Tazobactam versus Other Antibacterial
Agents for Treatment of Bloodstream Infections Due to AmpC beta-Lactamase-Producing
Enterobacteriaceae. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017 May;61(6):e00276-17.
52. Meije Y, Pigrau C, Fernandez-Hidalgo N. et al. Non-intravenous carbapenem-sparing
antibiotics for definitive treatment of bacteraemia due to Enterobacteriaceae producing
extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) or AmpC beta-lactamase: A propensity score
study. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2019 Aug;54(2):189-196.
53. Maan G, Keitoku K, Kimura N. et al. Cefepime-induced neurotoxicity: systematic review. J
Antimicrob Chemother 2022 Oct;77(11):2908-2921.
54. Kunz Coyne AJ, El Ghali A, Lucas K, et al. High-dose Cefepime vs Carbapenems for
Bacteremia Caused by Enterobacterales With Moderate to High Risk of Clinically Significant
AmpC beta-lactamase Production. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2023 Jan;10(3):ofad034.
55. Tamma PD, Conley AT, Cosgrove SE. et al. Association of 30-Day Mortality With Oral StepDown vs Continued Intravenous Therapy in Patients Hospitalized With Enterobacteriaceae
Bacteremia. JAMA Intern Med. 2019 Mar;179(3):316-323.
56. 厚生労働省 カルバペネム耐性腸内細菌科細菌感染症. at
57. 国立感染症研究所 カルバペネム耐性腸内細菌目細菌(carbapenem-resistant
Enterobacterales: CRE)病原体サーベイランス, 2021 年 IASR Vol. 44 p130-131: 2023 年 8
月号. 2023. at https://www.niid.go.jp/niid/ja/cre-m/cre-iasrd/12223-522d03.htmljh.)