【参考資料2】薬剤耐性ワンヘルス動向調査報告書2023 (118 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_47987.html |
出典情報 | 薬剤耐性ワンヘルス動向調査検討会(第12回 1/8)《厚生労働省》 |
唆された 19。
3. 抗菌薬適正使用に関する新たなデータ収集解析手法の取り組み
NDB 情報を用いた気道感染症に対する抗菌薬使用割合を集計する仕組みを作成している。特定の
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Hashimoto H, Saito M, Sato J, Goda K, Mitsutake N, Kitsuregawa M, et al. Indications and classes of outpatient
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claims, 2012-2015. Int J Infect Dis. 2020;91: 1–8.
Hashimoto H, Matsui H, Sasabuchi Y, Yasunaga H, Kotani K, Nagai R, et al. Antibiotic prescription among
outpatients in a prefecture of Japan, 2012–2013: a retrospective claims database study. BMJ Open. 2019;9: e026251.
Kimura Y, Fukuda H, Hayakawa K, Ide S, Ota M, Saito S, et al. Longitudinal trends of and factors associated with
inappropriate antibiotic prescribing for non-bacterial acute respiratory tract infection in Japan: A retrospective
claims database study, 2012-2017. PLoS One. 2019;14: e0223835.
Koyama T, Hagiya H, Teratani Y, Tatebe Y, Ohshima A, Adachi M, et al. Antibiotic prescriptions for Japanese
outpatients with acute respiratory tract infections(2013-2015): A retrospective Observational Study. J Infect
Chemother. 2020;26: 660–6.
Okubo Y, Miyairi I, Michihata N, Morisaki N, Kinoshita N, Urayama KY, et al. Recent Prescription Patterns for
Children with Acute Infectious Diarrhea. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2019;68: 13–6.
Muraki Y, Kusama Y, Tanabe M, Hayakawa K, Gu Y, Ishikane M, et al. Impact of antimicrobial stewardship fee on
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Ono, A., Aoyagi, K., Muraki, Y. et al. Trends in healthcare visits and antimicrobial prescriptions for acute infectious
diarrhea in individuals aged 65 years or younger in Japan from 2013 to 2018 based on administrative claims
database: a retrospective observational study. BMC Infect Dis 21, 983(2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879021-06688-2
椙山聡一郎,清水博之,築地淳,橋本真也:外来における急性気道感染症および急性下痢症に対する経口抗菌 薬の処方
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Jindai K, Itaya T,Ogawa Y, Kamitani T, Fukuhara S, Goto M, Yamamoto Y. Decline in oral antimicrobial prescription
in the outpatient setting after nationwide implementation of financial incentives and provider education: An
interrupted time-series analysis. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2022 Apr 6; 1-7.
Okubo Y, Nishi A, Michels K B, Nariai H, Kim-Farley R J, Arah O A, Uda K, Kinoshita, Miyairi I. The consequence of
financial incentives for not prescribing antibiotics: a Japan's nationwide quasi-experiment. Int J Epidemiol. 2022 Oct
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Sato M, Yamana H, Ono S, Ishimaru M, Matsui H, Yasunaga H. Trends in prophylactic antibiotic use for tooth
extraction from 2015 to 2018 in Japan: An analysis using a health insurance claims database. J Infect Chemother.
2022 Apr;28(4): 504-509.