【参考資料2】薬剤耐性ワンヘルス動向調査報告書2023 (119 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_47987.html |
出典情報 | 薬剤耐性ワンヘルス動向調査検討会(第12回 1/8)《厚生労働省》 |
Araki Y, Momo K, Yasu T, Ono K, Uchikura T, Koinuma M, Sasaki T. Prescription pattern analysis for antibiotics in
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Tsuzuki S, Koizumi R, Matsunaga N, Ohmagari N. Decline in Antimicrobial Consumption and Stagnation in Reducing
Disease Burden due to Antimicrobial Resistance in Japan. Infect Dis Ther. 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s40121-023-00829-7.
Muro T, Ando F, Suehiro M, Nakagawa H, Okuda C, Matsumoto T, Izumikawa K, Honda M, Sasaki H. Utility of Blood
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Ide S, Ishikane M, Aoyagi K, Ono A, Asai Y, Tsuzuki S, Kusama Y, Gu Y, Kodama E, Ohmagari N. Investigation of oral
macrolide prescriptions in Japan using a retrospective claims database, 2013-2018. PLoS One 2023 Jun 22; 18(6).
Goto R, Muraki Y, Inose R, Kusama Y, Ono A, Koizumi R, Ishikane M, Ohmagari N. Influence of pharmacists and
infection control teams or antimicrobial stewardship teams on the safety and efficacy of vancomycin: A Japanese
administrative claims database study. PLoS One. 2022 Sep 9; 17(9).