参考資料 (272 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/shingi2/0000198111_00025.html |
出典情報 | 医療用から要指導・一般用への転用に関する評価検討会議(第27回 3/12)《厚生労働省》 |
It is not known whether rabeprazole sodium is excreted in human breast Inilk and there are no
studies in lactating women.、Since many drugs are excreted in milk and because of the potential
for adverse reactions to nursing infants from rabeprazole sodium, a decision should be made to
discontinue nursing or discontinue the drug, taking into account the importance of the drudg to
the mother.
Effect of rabeprazole sodium on other drugs - demonstrated interactions
盛 Vo studies with human jliver microsomes indicated tnat rabeprazole sodium is metabolised
by isoenzymes 0f CYP450 (CYP2C19 and CYP3A4).
C/opdogre/: Clopidogrel is metabolised to 失 active metabolite by CYP2C19. InhibiHon of
CYP2C19 by rabeprazole would be expected to result in reduced drug levels of fhe active
metabolite of clopidogrel and a reduction in its antipiatelet activity and thnerefore itS clinical
efficacy. Concomitant use of rabeprazole with clopidogrel shouid be discouraged.
Cyejospo77: 7 Vo incubations employing human liver microsomes indicated that rabeprazole
inhibited cyclosporin metabolism with an ICs。 of 62 micromolar, a concentration that IS over 50
times higher than the Ca。 in healthy volunteers following 14 days dosing with 20 mg
・rabeprazole. Although の Myo studies may not always be predictive of an 訪 vo status these
findings indicate that no interaction iS expected between rabeprazole and Cyclosporim.
eo7exafe: case reports,、pubiished population pharmacokinetic studies, and retrospective
analyses suggest tnat concomitant administration of PPls and methotrexate (primarily at high
dose: see methotrexate prescribing Information) may elevate and prolong serum levels of
methotrexate and/or its metabojite hydroxymethotrexate. However, no formai drug interaction
studies of methotrexate witnh PPIS have been conducted.
りjgoxp: A 2296 jncrease in trough digoxin evels was observed in normal subjects given both
drugs concomitantly.
Ke7ocongzo/e: A 33% decrease in ketoconazole levejls was observed In normal subjects given
both drugs concomiitantly.
Aaza7avが Co-administration of atazanavir with other proton pumD hipitors resulted in 8
substantial reduction in atazanavir exposure. The absorption of atazanavir is pH dependert.
Therefore, PARIET 10 should not be co-adrministered with atazanavir.
yyco0カenO/gf6 7707o妃- coO-gd77罰5かがOn Oげ prO7O7-p077p の訪DがO7S W/の 妨YCOD76nO7a76 7076
太 eg/カy and 7g7SDね7f DaがenS 72S の667 7/らDO7eゾ fO 76duce 妃e exOOoSのが@ 7O 万e gcjve
7767g0oがe, 7YCOD7e7O/C ad. 7人S /S DOSSめ/y ue 7O g eoC7eaS6 妃 7YCOpe/7O/gf@ 77707o
soが gg7 oeased 98877C 7 77e C訪/Cg/ 7/6/らvg7Ce Oげ /60JC60 7YCOPカ67O/C gaC/7
eXOOSu/ら 07 Or987 7/6/6C7o7 肪gs 707 のee7 6SD7がS7e0 7 が975Da77 pgが677S /らC6/V79 D7OOが-
pu77D 加訪DがO7S 7 COpカenO7g76 大刀 USe /GDep/9Z076 Sodju77 W7訪 Ca0が7O7 加 797SD/a77
pgがenfS /Gce/M779 77YCOD7677O/a76 7776応
Patients may need to De monitored when these drugs are taken together with PARIET 10.
Effect of rabeprazole sodium oni other drugs - theoretical interactions
Rabeprazole sodium produces sustained inhibition of gastric acid secretion. An interaction with
compounds whose absorption depends on gastrc pH may occur due to the magnitude of acid
suppression see with rabeprazole sodium.
Effect of rabeprazole sodium on other drugS ・ poiential interactions that have peen
Studies in healtny subjects have shown that rabeprazole sodium does not have ciinicaly
significant interactions with other drugs metabolised by the CYP450 system. 「hese studies
included the drugs warfarin and theophylline (as single oral doses), phenytoin (as a single
ntravenous dose with supplemental oral dosing), diazepam (as a single intravenous dOse) and
amoxycillin (as single and mujHple oral doses).
Taking PARIET 10 with antacids produces no ciinicaliy relevant changes in plasma rabeprazole
sodium concentrations.
6 PARIET10(150409)PPI